Rhubarb health benefits nutrition facts

Rhubarb health benefits benefits nutrition facts Chinese food recipes;What to eat to keep healthy naturally.Healthy fruit

hardy plant native to China, rhubarb was first introduced in Europe for its medicinal properties rather than taste. Today it is well acclimatized in France and is on the shelves in the spring, but also in winter; it is then imported rhubarb. Its tangy flesh surprise and awakens the taste buds, and lends itself to delicious desserts, or more surprising accompaniment to savory dishes. Poor fruit in calories and rich in calcium is cooked easily and appeals to children as the greatest.

A rhubarb rod weighs 80 grams on average. The petiole (plant part that connects the widened portion of the leaf to the stem) is firm, a slightly nuanced red-pink color green when ripe. His flesh, fibrous, turns creamy and tangy after cooking.

Very sour, rhubarb is consumed almost entirely cooked. She wonders pie, applesauce, jam and others crumble, or to accompany your dishes.

Rhubarb is emblematic of spring; cepedant is found on the market until the end of the summer.

Rhubarb is sold stripped of its leaves, because they are toxic. Feel free to take the fruit to Review maturity. Eat it quickly so that it retains its freshness and dry.


To choose good rhubarb stalks:

select very firm and dense stems;

to check the freshness, inspect the ends, which should not be dry. Do not hesitate to break a petiole, sap must flow from this break;

prefer the red-pink color tinged with green.


Once purchased, quickly consume the stems of rhubarb. They do not keep more than 2 or 3 days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

While cooking

Rhubarb lends itself more to a cooked taste that flood. Use fondant and acidity to make delicious desserts, compotes, crumbles and pies, as well as to accompany your meat and fish dishes.

The word rhubarb comes from reuburbarum Latin meaning literally “barbaric root.” This name comes from the fact that she was not consumed and appreciated that foreign people, then called “barbarians”.

Marco Polo the back of one of his trips to Asia in the sixteenth century. It lends him while healing powers, including the ability to treat venereal diseases.

It is ultimately the British who introduced the plant as food in Europe.

Rhubarb health benefits nutrition facts 

Calories (kcal per 100 g) 48.7

Proteins (g per 100 g) 0.8

Carbohydrate (g per 100 g) 9.1

Lipids (g per 100 g) 0.27


Vitamin C (mg per 100 g) 5.1

Beta-carotene (mcg to 100 g) 95

Vitamin B9 (micrograms ) 16


Potassium (mg per 100 g) 241

Calcium (mg per 100 g) 5.6

Magnesium (mg per 100g) 7.16

Phosphorus (mg per 100 g) 21.7

Trace elements

Iodine (micrograms per 100 g) 2.1

Selenium (mcg per 100 g) 0.16

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