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- Rubix Pod, the box that takes care of you at work
Rubix Pod, the box that takes care of you at work
The hubbub of conversations in an open-space. The sound of jackhammers on a construction site. Temperature variations in a factory … Potential nuisances in the workplace are a concern for many French people. According to a study by the observatory of the quality of life at the Actineo office, nearly 6 in 10 French were thus bothered by the noise at work in 2015. So what to do? There are few or no solutions. But before we can try to act, we must be able to measure the problem effectively. The start-up Toulouse Rubix S & I (Rubix Senses & Instrumentations) decided to tackle the problem with the Rubix Pod.
The Rubix Pod has a dozen sensors
It is a small square box of 12 cm wide and length for 5 cm thick. Hanging on the wall or sitting on a desk, you can quickly forget his presence. Yet she could change lives. The Rubix Pod analyzes in real time the quality of the environment of employees in the workplace. If the measurement of the sound levels is of course at the rendezvous, other data are noted. Thanks to a dozen sensors, the Rubix Pod also measures temperature, hygrometry, light, particles or vibrations. Gas and odors are also on the program with specific sensors. In addition, the box gives employees the opportunity to express their own feelings.
Advantage of the Rubix Pod, it does not help that employees. It can also be interesting in the service trades, in contact with the public. "This tool targets both human resources to identify sources of nuisance and work to improve the comfort of employees but also all sectors that welcome the public whether shopping centers, hotels, restaurants or airports " says Jean-Christophe Mifsud, the creator of the start-up.
A fundraising of 1 million euros
The company does not intend to stop there. To continue its development and ensure the marketing of the Rubix Pod, she wants to raise a million euros. "We have entrusted the management of this project to Rochefort et Associés, a specialized firm in Paris, and we intend to complete the operation before next summer.", Says Jean-Christophe Mifsud. Funds that could also be used to create new projects. Among them, the "WatchTower", a declination adapted to analyze the quality of the air outside. A sector that is currently the focus of attention of several companies.
Impossible to know the price of the Rubix Pod, this one is not on sale for the private individuals, eIt is primarily intended for businesses. A hundred or so products have already been launched on the market, in France but also in Asia, particularly in Korea and Japan.