RunScribe, the activity tracker dedicated to runners


Entirely dedicated to running, the RunScribe activity tracker has been designed to improve the performance of athletes.

Running is part, with fitness, of sports activities which concentrates the greatest number of smart health connected innovations. But very few products, ultimately, offer their user a real opportunity for improvement of their performance, to surpass themselves thanks to technology and become a better sportsman. RunScribe was designed for runners but it’s not another gadget to hang on his arm or on his sneakers. The sole purpose of this wearable is to make you better.

High performance smart health connected bracelet

And for this tracker to be effective, the designers of RunScribe did not do things by halves. RunScribe gives access to 3D data on how we run and hundreds of useful statistics. Without coaching you, the tracker brings you a battery of essential information that will allow you to fix all the little mistakes that you do without realizing it.

As repeated, like a mantra, Tim Cook, the founder of RunScribe:

"By creating the largest running database in the world, we hope to lift the veil on questions that remain unanswered. Our mission is to work with the best researchers, scientists and experts in biomechanics, so that we can use this data to better respond to the problems of human racing, for example to better understand the link between injury and effort.. "

Concretely, RunScribe you allows access to very complex data, which are available on your smartphone via Bluetooth, such as for example the impact on your muscles of the ground on which you run – variable depending on the terrain, the force you develop during an uphill race, on a hill or a hill for example, the inclination of your limbs in relation to your level of velocity, which can be too curved or not enough… basic data is not forgotten even if it does not differ much from that of a classic tracker, heart rate, number of steps, speed, distance traveled. It’s by bringing together a set of three sensors that RunScribe has the ability to deliver as much information.

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In you providing very detailed and comprehensive information, and very unique, on the way you run, RunScribe allows you to realize that the movement you are doing is not appropriate and can be improved. This is the great strength of this activity tracker whose an updated version available for pre-order here, priced at 199 dollars, will be released shortly.

