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  • Samsung HW-Q70R Tester-Testers: Powerful and balanced 3D sound

Samsung HW-Q70R Tester-Testers: Powerful and balanced 3D sound



After ergonomics and design, our four readers judge the audio quality of the soundbar Samsung HW-Q70R. Movies, music, video games … This camera has been very comfortable with all the content that has been submitted. Feedback from experience.

Julien, 37 years old, Montreuil (93)

My tests have been applied in several different contexts, namely: TV, video games, movies / series (Netflix, Blu-Ray UHD for Dolby Atmos). The sound of the speaker is very good, the voices are perfectly audible and detached from treble or bass. I did not make any particular balancing adjustments. The latter corresponded to my expectations. The sound is also very warm thanks to the presence of the subwoofer that I pushed a little more (+2 setting) to get an audible presence without it crushes the rest. The other presets offered through the application SmartThings (Jazz, Pop, etc.) do not seem to me to change the listening deeply. I did not linger there.

In comparison with my TV, the benefit of this soundbar is undeniable. However, it lacks the impression of wrapping present on my system 5.1. This may be the configuration of my room that is open both right and behind my couch. The sound can not be reflected by the walls.

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The soundbar Samsung HW-Q70R seen and tested by Julien.

Very positive point, unlike my current audio system, the sound remains clear, even outside my living room. Convenient to watch a TV show from the kitchen, for example. Very good surprise also in the management of Dolby Atmos and sound effects from the ceiling in the mixed movies for this audio format. This function is in my opinion a major asset of the sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R.

Yves, 66 years old, Huez (38)

After the connections, listening! First, a rock CD, then country rock. Very good. The power is there, the dynamics too. In the standard position, the sound seems a bit flat, as if slightly smothered. In the surround position, the stereo is enlarged, the sound is more enveloping, the voices more present.

Then go to the gaming mode: I do not really perceive any difference. The adaptive sound mode, meanwhile, tends to bring a little too aggressive to acute. On a classical music disc (Mozart), the standard mode is really the best suited, the most natural even if the surround may sometimes seem more flattering, but often making strident treble of the piano. On a music DVD, I definitely preferred the surround mode that gives a good impact.

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The sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R seen and tested by Yves.

With a film in Dolby Atmos or DTS-X, the adaptive mode seems to me the most suitable. It gives incredible fishing and a really deep immersion. In addition, the voices are particularly intelligible, much more than on my current installation. On the other hand, I did not particularly feel the 3D effects; perhaps it is due to a wooden slatted ceiling that hardly reflects the sound.

In summary, I loved the rendering of this bar with movies and music channels, a little less with music CDs rock and variety, let alone with classical music. Overall, this bar is perfect for immersing yourself in a good 4K Blu-ray as Aquaman ! In short, a good result.

Pierre, 36 years old, Arrancy on Crusne (55)

Here is my feeling focused on the accessible audio modes of a single key on the remote. Standard mode is an excellent rendering of all the content played on the TV. In addition to great comfort on the voices, I found the box sufficiently discreet to be able to enjoy all the contents calmly. The sound is right, but a little shy.

Let's go to the surround mode: the box shows us here what it has in the belly, but it is quickly "too much". We must too often play the zappette to preserve a good listening comfort. The gaming mode is in my opinion the least interesting. Spatialization is too imprecise to be viable in multiplayer, and for the solo game the other modes do better.

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The sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R seen and tested by Pierre.

Finally, the best preset, the adaptive mode, is just amazing! This mode produces the perfect balance between intense sound and pleasant listening, even on long sessions. I rediscovered Forza & Gears 5. The experience is immersive wish, we live the game, I dropped my Game Zero (solo, huh).

But the real slap was on the movies. It is almost perfect: clear voices, powerful bass … It's a real cinema experience! Let's point out a little flat on the level of spatialization: a setting mode of the room would improve accuracy.

With music (Bluetooth), it is still the adaptive mode that stands out with the best rendering. Special mention to the basses in My Benz of Supreme NTM. The cat has returned his lease!

Very good, therefore, for the sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R! And no need to fumble with the settings, you will find your happiness in the available audio modes.

Jérémy, 40 years old, Villeparisis (77)

The sound quality of the soundbar Samsung HW-Q70R is really very good! I have a Sony amp STR-DH550 smart health connected to a kit 5.1 speakers Jamo 506. And, in comparison, we can clearly admit that the sound of the bar is sharper and clearer when you go from one film to another , or even music. On the other hand, the spatialization is better on my amp, but I will come back to it later.

Level subwoofer, it is really powerful and clean, but do not hesitate to push to enjoy the bass. I put it at +4, or even +5, depending on the movie or the music. Regarding the sound retransmission, it's impeccable. No delay on the video level dialogues that are also very clear, regardless of the genre of film.

The gaming mode has been pretty cool with my Xbox One, but I prefer the adaptive mode that switches directly to Dolby Atmos, regardless of the game. So, the effects are well detailed and we can enjoy the least sound from a game scene

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The sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R seen and tested by Jeremy.

I could evaluate the Dolby Atmos mode with the movie Ready Player One. Conclusion: the sound is very good, the bass powerful when needed. Small downside however for the spatialization effect: the sound that is supposed to move above and around the viewer is not really there. I unfortunately could not Review the DTS-X, lack of compatible film.

As for music, it's really good, maybe even better than for movies! You can push any type of music by letting the preset on adaptive sound and increase the volume without the audio quality getting worse. The bass is well managed and the sound is clear. Neither too sharp nor smothered, it's really very nice!

For calibration and adjustment of the soundbar, it's quite simple: you can adjust the treble, bass and subwoofer directly with the remote control. You can also use the SmartThing mobile app and access more precise settings.

As you will have seen, the sound bar Samsung HW-Q70R continues its faultless with our four readers. They particularly appreciated the preset modes available that cover most of the uses that can be had with this type of product. Due to its versatility and its ability to automatically recognize the signal to be processed, the adaptive sound mode wins all votes.Overall, the sound reproduction seems very balanced, both in the movies and for listening to music. Despite its compact size, power, responsiveness and surround effects are also at the rendezvous, again no matter the signal. Small flat for the effects of height that are revealed, in some of our readers, little marked. A slight imperfection that can not taint the almost idyllic picture brushed by our four budding testers. See you next week for a final review of our tester experience with the Samsung HW-Q70R soundbar.

>> Find our previous article on the design and ergonomics of the soundbar Samsung HW-Q70R.
