Sense, a complete sleep analyzer for better sleep

Sense Sleep System is a system that tracks sleep, analyzes the bedroom environment and acts as an alarm clock.

Every day, we spend a third of our days sleeping. Indeed, doctors recommend 8 hour nights to be on good form. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to respect this time because we go to bed too late or simply because we have a restless sleep. But how do you know all this? The smart health connected objects of quantified self provide an answer to this question thanks to sensors that track sleep like the Withings Aura or the Iwaku. Here comes a new actor: Hello which represent Sense, a complete system to monitoring your sleep and your environment. Let’s analyze it all.

Introducing Sense:

Sense is a monitoring system composed of a ball, a pellet and a mobile application available for iOS and Android. All of these work together to analyze sleep of the user but also his environment.

Sense is the station to put on the night table, which is powered by the mains and which is smart health connected to Wifi to transmit the information. This ball which adopts the bird’s nest design contains a light sensor, a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor and a sensor of particles such as pollen or dust. A microphone is also part of record snoring or the various noises of the night as well as a loudspeaker for play alarm clock music. Last point: one proximity sensor completes the experience by allowing the user to switch off the alarm clock simply by passing your hand in front of it. Note that the alarm clock adapts according to the depth of sleep.

Sense Pill is the pastille to hang on your pillow in order to sleep tracker. It is made up of various sensors that allowanalyze user movements. The recorded information is transmitted in a completely transparent way to the Sense station via the ANT protocol. All the data recorded by the two sensors are then sent by wifi to the manufacturer’s servers in order to make them accessible from the application. This centralizes all the information and retransmits it in the form of graphics.

Regarding technical data, the Sense Pill offers one year of battery life and should be replaced as soon as the battery is empty. A disadvantage justified by the fact that the device is extremely robust in order to outlast a washing machine for example. Several Pill can be used with one and the same Sense to track the sleep of two people at the same time.

How Sense works:

Sleep monitoring is already offered by many products on the market, such as Fitbit Flex, Nike Plus Fuelband or Withings Pulse smart health connected bracelets, as well as Withings Aura and Iwaku trackers specializing in sleep analysis.

However, none of these devices allows to track elements related to the environment of the room. For this, it is necessary to refer to environmental analyzers such as the Netatmo weather station or the CubeSensors and Alima analyzers. Sense therefore brings together functions previously available in several devices. It all comes together with a magnificent design and a minimal footprint. In short, as much to say that the product has everything to seduce followers of the quantified self as much as those who want to know their environment better.

sense app

We regret, however, that it is necessary to buy back the Pill sensor as soon as the battery is discharged. A small additional cost to be expected but which nevertheless allows to avoid damaging the device stupidly by forgetting to remove it when washing your sheets. In short, an evil for a good. We appreciate the futuristic side of the device which allows the user to switch off the alarm clock simply by waving his hand above it or to adapt the alarm clock according to sleep in order to be woken up at the best time.

Availability and prices:

Available from November 2014 at a price of $49.99 per station as well as two pastilles, Sense presents itself as essential accessory for those who want to track their sleep as well as the environment in which they live in order to sleep better. Presented during a fundraising campaign on the site Kickstarter, Sense stands out with its design and many functions for a price well below the competition. In short, a smart health smart health connected object as we like them.

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