Show Hello 4, Orange will be on all fronts


Show Hello 4. This morning was held LE meeting of the year for Orange, and the show was there for this fourth edition. Stéphane Richard, general manager of the brand, as a good master of ceremonies, sailed amid the animations on the big screen. Between the innovations and Luc Besson who presents the new Livebox in virtual reality mode, Orange has chosen to highlight innovation and the show. We were there, so come back with us on the novelties that were presented this morning at Show Hello 4.

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These innovations were not made to wait, whether in terms of the house, security, or energy and networks, Orange has demonstrated its will to be on all fronts and to mark the future in France.

Nothing was randomized during the presentation, be it the carefully chosen words of Stéphane Richard : “In this explosion of flows, Orange is a compass, a landmark on the map of digital life.” Or the scenography, with its giant screens in an arc… As regards the smart health connected objects presented, this are mainly partnerships and applications, and of course some new features of course.

LoRa is growing

The network will grow thanks to a participative broadcast by Orange employees, but let's not go too fast … During Show Hello 4, Orange presented a lamp which will broadcast the network LoRa, this guarantees a connection for smart health connected objects throughout the house and even in places that are more difficult to cover such as cellars and basements.

The Orange teams also presented a small beacon which communicates thanks to the LoRa network, ideal for finding your keys, handbag or even your car, it will be available end of 2016.

The deployment of the LoRa network by lamps will be done gradually on the basis of the company's employees during the second quarter 2016, they will also Review LoRa tags to see their new uses.

Orange imagines the houses of tomorrow

Between applications, partnerships with certain brands of household appliances and electronics, and innovations, the Hello Show 4 gave pride of place to smart health connected objects to offer individuals a completely smart health connected and transparent house on energy management. especially.

Datavenue, safety and health

Safety for seniors and tools to protect the health home are highlighted during Hello Show 4, and more specifically, in the Datavenue project. Live Intercom allows isolated people to be able to trigger an emergency call using a bracelet, which communicates through the network set up by Orange partners on this project, Mutual harmony. The bracelet will be available in april 2016.

Still in partnership with Mutual Harmony, but also Pops and Visiomed, Orange presented a health range in order to benefit from remote medical follow-up thanks to a smart health connected medical case which makes it possible to take blood pressure, temperature, pulse, etc. This smart health connected health range will be available in june 2016.

This is the house now that will be treated with Axa, a whole series of smart health connected objects for the health home will be available for sale in october 2016. Among them, there are smart sockets, smoke detectors, and ehealth surveillance tools with, of course, remote alert and assistance services.

HomeLive, new products and smart health connected savings

Let’s stay in the world of our homes, with the announcement this morning of several new features. Available since 2014, the HomeLive range, has had some refreshments thanks to its new partners: management of electricity consumption, protection of the health home and improvement of comfort.

Note the next exit, in 2016, Philips brand Hue lamps and smart switches Nodon. On the brand side Schneider Electric, it is a smart health connected tool that allows you to control the heating of each room to possibly save energy which will in turn come out april 2016.

Remote monitoring again, this time with a partnership with EPS, for a range of health home protection such as smoke detectors, water leaks, cameras, thermostats, etc.

Data transparency at Show Hello 4

The security of user data is a subject that keeps coming up when we talk about innovations, Orange has not forgotten this essential part of what it offers and has decided to “sign” a transparency pact with its customers.

It’s in the form of an interface: Data Share, that they want to guarantee access to their data everywhere and all the time, as well as trust badge which would certify the rigorous control of the use that the applications of our personal data would make.

One thing is certain, it is that at Show Hello 4, Orange wanted to make an impression, but it is especially through its American show that by the real novelties that its general manager, Stéphane Richard presented in terms of smart health connected objects. If the ranges for health home and security have been enriched, the innovations mainly concern the Livebox, new applications and television.

At the show level, Orange followed the trend of the moment: virtual reality, by offering journalists present virtual reality animation with the new HTC Live headset. Luc Besson, guest star, traveled in the new Livebox, in virtual reality mode.

So, if Orange wanted to consolidate its position on the innovation and trend market, it is successful. Since the emphasis has been placed, throughout the conference on innovation, new technologies and especially partnerships with young French startups.
