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  • six new chapters of the technical doctrine published and submitted to consultation

six new chapters of the technical doctrine published and submitted to consultation


As a reminder, the ministry announced last April, as part of its roadmap on digital health, the transformation by "December 2019" of the Asip Health Digital Health Agency (ANS) for " strengthen the governance of the sector.

The first elements of the technical doctrine provided for by the government's digital health roadmap focused on the target architecture schema, interoperability and the security of health information systems, secure health messaging (MSSanté) and digital route coordination services.

They have been posted on the site participez.esante.gouv.com for consultation, September 30th. The publication of a final version with 22 chapters is expected by the end of the year.

The doctrine "aims to bring readability to the ecosystem," said October 7, the ministerial delegate to digital, Laura Létourneau, during the day "Catel Paris". The document will be "declension" for industry, institutions and health professionals, and citizens, she also said.

Among the six new strands submitted to consultation, lies the urbanization of health information systems (IS).

This chapter presents the rules to be followed to ensure the coherence of all health information systems and calls for declining the principles of urbanization of health information systems, stemming from the European urbanization framework and the urbanization framework of health information systems. SI of the state. The urbanization framework of health IS is also published with this chapter on the consultation platform.

The chapter Health Data Hub – whose constitutive agreement was signed on November 6 – aims to facilitate the launch of this hub.

As a reminder, it must allow access and use of data, support the collection and standardization of data assets and launch calls for projects to support emblematic projects and develop new services.

A call for projects was launched in April 2019, it is recalled, the first results are expected by the end of the year.

A section concerning the modernization of information systems in healthcare institutions GHT's Hop'en, Simphonie and convergence programs aims to present the modernization of information systems in health facilities and the support methods proposed by the state services.

The construction site e-prescription is also entitled to his chapter. The e-prescription must make it possible to dematerialize and make reliable the exchanges between the prescribers and the professionals who deliver the prescribed services thus contributing to the improvement of the coordination of care between professionals.

It will be tested from 2020 for a generalization planned in 2022.

A chapter dedicated to the digital transformation of medico-social

A chapter is dedicated to digital transformation program for medical and social services (ESMS).

This program aims to support the transformation of the ESMS offer and the home support and assistance services for people with disabilities and for the elderly by developing the use of digital technology.

Concretely, the goal is to promote the entry of ESMS into the digital shift within territorial logics and a support system relating to all IS issues (governance, purchasing, security, interoperability …) should be developed by 2022.

The development of a scoping document is planned for the spring of 2020. Medico-social actors will be involved in the development of this program, which will determine the target of the ESMS SI, the trajectory, integrating the integration trajectory of the doctrine, as well as the minimum base to be reached by the ESMS.

"It will identify the appropriate levers of transformation (governance, purchasing strategy, industrial strategy, support methods, contractual, financial, legal …)," detailed the Health Asip. "The identification of project monitoring indicators and the evaluation of the program should be initiated as soon as the program is developed," the agency added.

On the basis of the scoping document, "the first actions will be financed by credits from the Support Fund for Modernization and Digital Transformation of the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)", we also learned.

The certification of HIS specified in the doctrine

Finally, a last chapter relating to certification of hospital information systems (HIS) has also been published and submitted for consultation.

In connection with the IS modernization program of health facilities, the SIH certification system consists, on the one hand, of a certification reference system and, on the other hand, of control procedures to ensure the correct collection of information. information required by the reference system.

"In order to proceed with the validation of the SIH certification scheme, a validation committee will be set up in December 2019 and will make the necessary arbitrations to ensure the initial publication of the certification scheme as well as its regular updates", explained the health asip.

The Review phase on a set of pilot health facilities is scheduled for June to December 2020. The validation and generalization of the V1 of the reference system are scheduled for January 2021, while the "end of the generalization and use of the SIH certification device in the conduct of public policies on digital "should see the day in 2022.
