Skin tumors with the smart scalpel


When patients have a young tumor, it is not always easy for the surgeon to distinguish healthy tissue from cancerous tissue … It depends on the eyes and experience of the surgeon, but these factors will soon be ancient history thanks to the intelligent scalpel.

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Distinguishing healthy tissue from cancerous tissue will allow real little revolution in the world of medicine ! There will no longer be any risk of forgetting fragments of cancerous tissue and therefore avoiding the risks of relapse as well as damage to brain tissue, for example.

An intelligent scalpel that does not cut

This intelligent scalpel was developed by the doctor David Oliva Uribe, in Brussels, currently, it is still being tested on pigs and artificial tissue, but it could well change the way brain tumors are treated. Indeed, these researchers have developed a scalpel that does not cut!

Finally, he acts like a second pair of eyes for the surgeon who would not be able to see certain angles of the brain tissue. In addition, early tumors have the disadvantage of strongly resembling healthy tissue … which does not make the surgeon's task easier.

Until now, the success of this kind of intervention, rested on the more or less good view of the surgeon and on his experience. Through the introduction of a smart scalpel in the operating room, allows you to rely on extremely sensitive sensors.

Technical characteristics of the intelligent scalpel

From an outside point of view, the smart scalpel doesn't really look like a conventional scalpel. It is equipped with a small ball at the end, which recognizes healthy tissue from cancerous tissue through a series of extremely sensitive sensors.

The intelligent scalpel will not immediately enter our operating rooms,… But it is on the right track, currently being tested on animal and artificial tissues, it will be tested very soon on patients and will then be integrated into hospitals .

This is not the first time that technological innovation has been used in medicine … It should be noted thatDoctor Shafi Ahmed's School of Surgery to train surgeons in the Gaza Strip and the biohacking, a new kind of drugs, very futuristic.
