Smart health and connected objects will help diabetics

Diabetes is an often unknown disease. Field doctors, poorly prepared sometimes find it difficult to detect. Yet around the world, 415 million people are affected. This disease is impossible to forget and imposes constraints on a daily basis. But smart health help diabetics and connected objects can gradually simplify the lives of patients.

Smart health help diabetics , a very connected public

Many connected objects suffer from a difficulty related to new technologies in general. The target audience for innovative products is often marginal. For lack of use, information, technical knowledge … A finding that is very different for diabetics and their relatives. For a long time now, they have adopted the new technologies or are ready to do so.

The connected meter is often their first choice in terms of equipment. However, many have started through smartphone apps.

Figures that should probably grow as supply continues to grow. However, we can be sure that this will be the case. In fact, in the United States alone, the cost of diabetes is more than $ 245 billion a year. In other words, there is a real market for manufacturers.

Avoid bites to control your glucose level

The main field of research for diabetics is connected glucometers. Indeed, this is the most restrictive task for the sick, so it is here that the situation must be improved first. Several projects and products are currently under development. Here are three.

The K’Track Glucose watch. Designed by the French start-up PK Paris, this connected watch integrates a biosensor that allows the contact of the skin to know the glucose level without the need to prick. The results are then displayed on the screen. The watch should be out in 18 to 24 months.

The SugarBEAT patch. Fixable anywhere on the body, this system measures the glucose level thanks to the interstitial fluids of the skin. However, it is necessary to prick each time you change the sensor to calibrate. SugarBeat will be launched by the end of the year.

Google’s ideas. Alphablet (ex-Google) advances on at least two projects simultaneously. The first is that of a connected lens that would know its glucose level at any time. The second is conducted in collaboration with Dexcom, it is a device to fix on the torso, the size of a dressing. No date has yet been communicated for these two projects.

Orpyx, to limit the risk of amputation

This is often overlooked but diabetes is at risk of amputation. 5 to 10% of diabetics will lose a toe, foot or leg. The eyes are also affected because it is the first cause of blindness in the over 65 years with 1000 cases per year. This is why the announcement of Orpyx earlier this year has brought some relief to patients.

This company has developed a connected insole able to detect the risk of ulcers, which affect 15 to 25% of diabetics. They do not realize that there is a problem. Poor regulation of sugar causes loss of nerve sensitivity. If the foot is not in “normal condition”, the application warns the user that there is a problem and that it would be better to take a closer look. It only remains to wait for this technological innovation to arrive in Europe.

Anticipate diabetes thanks to new technologies

There are two types of diabetes, type 1, which mainly affects children and young adults. Type 2 appears in people over 40 years old. In the first case, there are no or few warning signs. The second, however, could now be “anticipated”. In any case, it is the result of a study conducted by researchers at Stanford University. By analyzing the data provided by several wearables, they discovered that we could predict a few days in advance, the appearance of Lyme disease or diabetes. Today they are working on the design of an algorithm that can perform this analysis automatically.

In the longer term, the goal will no doubt be more of how to manage diabetes but to make it disappear. While each year, promises without a future are multiplying, the change is on the way according to the MIT. Indeed, among its 10 projections on innovations that will change the world this year was gene therapy. The “gene-drug” is already a reality thanks to some companies. But the cost is still a barrier for the moment. Once this technology becomes more accessible to the general public, the days of diabetes should be counted.

To discover the latest innovations in connected health, new technologies and revolutionary objects, go here to discover more.