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  • Overview: the advantages and disadvantages of a smart health home

Overview: the advantages and disadvantages of a smart health home

Setting up, managing and using a smart home has the advantages and disadvantages. In this article an overview of smart health home advantages and disadvantages. After reading this overview you may be better prepared for the smart house you want to work on.

At first glance one seems smarthome only to have benefits. All kinds of things are automated and go much faster or easier. But in practice you may come across things that you may not feel like or have not taken into account. That is why we tell you more about the various advantages and disadvantages of a smart house in this article, so that you can better prepare for the future. Have you only just been active on the smarthome market? Then go through the overview below.

Smart health home Advantages

Let’s start with the benefits of the health home of the future. In this way you can save on costs in the longer term, such as the energy or water bill. Different water sensors and smart thermostats (or thermostat buttons) can provide more insight into the consumption of residents, while offering access to a lot of extra smart functions. For example, heaters can be switched off when you are away from health home and LED lights can be switched on or off at set times.

Saving, despite the investment required in advance, is already a good argument for a smarthome. But what do you think of the ease that you get at health home? No more having to think about the heating or the lamps, since they run on fixed schedules. Or ensure that the coffee is already made in the morning when you just get out of bed. In addition, you can automate a lot of in-house processes and link services to each other, which means you don’t have to perform many boring tasks on a daily basis.

Most of the smarthome products have an internet connection, be it with or without a wire. As a result, it is often possible that you can operate the devices from a distance. This way you can switch certain devices in the house on and off when you have forgotten something. This way you no longer have to wonder on holiday whether you have switched off the TV or not; with a smart socket you could still turn it off. Or you can adjust something, such as the thermostat, when you come health home earlier than planned.

In addition, smarthomes can often be safer. Many alarm systems offer a complete package for a relatively low amount, so that you can protect windows, doors and spaces with sensors. As a consumer, you also decide for yourself which parts to extend such a system with. That also makes a nice point: you also decide for yourself which devices you will and will not replace or buy. The only thing you have to take into account is support for certain protocols and voting assistants.

Speaking of voice assistants: nowadays you can choose from a number of large personal assistants, where Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri are the most important and best known at Apple Homekit. With such a voice assistant you can control all kinds of devices in your house with your voice, so you do not have to physically stand at the device or have your phone nearby. By means of a simple voice command you can arrange all kinds of things in and around the house, which makes things go smoothly.

Disadvantages of a smart health home

No matter how beautiful such a smarthome may seem, there are definitely disadvantages to it. Things to consider before you buy products that are always smart health connected to the internet. It is precisely that internet connection that can cause things to go wrong: hackers can get rid of your data, while an unstable connection can also cause some services to stop working (properly). So you always do well to you secure your health home network. Or set up a second smarthome network.

In addition, it can be quite complicated to link everything together. Many devices and systems do not work together. There are several smart health home protocols currently, as well as different voice assistants and cloud services. So you have to pay attention to exactly what you invest in, so that the product you want to buy afterwards can also be linked to what you already have. It requires a lot of preparation and knowledge from the user, which means that the market for smart health home devices initially has a high threshold.

Not to mention the costs involved in purchasing all products. If you want to have a future-proof health home quickly, it can sometimes be an expensive joke. Of course there are also cheaper alternatives available, but then you often notice in practice that things are less good when it comes to user-friendliness. You also always have to wait and see how long products and services are supported and when you are forced to invest again.

Then we haven’t even talked about the smarthomehub. This product has the great advantage that you can link many products to each other, but the major disadvantage is that when things go wrong, different things immediately work less well (as a group, everything is often still successful individually). In addition, you still do not have one hub that connects everything and that offers access to all voice assistants of the moment. The Dutch Homey is perhaps the closest, but this hub is also not perfect.

Read more?

We have written a large amount of articles that you can find in our section for smart health home tips and advice, in which we explain different things. Are you looking for something specific or something general, then chances are that we have written about it.