You can use this smart sleep mask Nuvi to sleep better

Do you have trouble falling asleep and feeling tired when you wake up? The smart sleep mask Nuvi may be for you. It’s a sleep mask not exactly like the others, since unlike most of its competitors, Nuvi has a device that sends blue light to the closed eyes of the person who The door.

The Nuvi is a connected mask designed to improve sleep quality, creativity, and avoid the jet lag sensation after a long trip. It integrates small speakers, a LED lighting system and connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth. Its companion app allows you to take advantage of sleep programs.

A total of six programs are offered by Nuvi’s companion app: Easy Sleep, Smart Deep Sleep Booster, Smart Wake Up, Power Nap, Light Energizer, and more. light energizer) and Jet Lag Ajdust (jet lag reduction). These programs allow the user to choose the option that corresponds to his needs.

Smart sleep mask Nuvi – Six different programs within a single application

To make sleep easier and improve the quality of sleep, the built-in loudspeakers broadcast Zen music specially composed by the creators of the project. Binaural rhythms and sound effects help calm the mind and gradually lead to deep sleep. It is also possible to broadcast a white noise to block the surrounding sounds. In addition, users can use this mask to listen to music from Spotify, YouTube or iTunes. Of course, the light is also totally obstructed.

At the time of waking, the intelligent alarm allows a calm and natural awakening thanks to a soft blue light combined with music during the lightest sleep phase. Thus, the user wakes up without feeling dizzy.

The Power Nap program allows you to recover all your energy in just 30 minutes thanks to optimized sleeping conditions. In the same way, the Light Energizer program allows you to fight energy drops in just 20 minutes, without having to sleep, thanks to the power of blue light. It is also this blue light that helps combat the negative effects of jet lag.

The trial version of the Android app is already available on the Google Play Store. The creators of the project continue to test, improve the prototype and develop more soothing music. An iOS version of the application will be available from December.

Developed from brain wave experiments and research, the Nuvi is a sleep aid system designed for the modern era. It is both practical and very effective. It is intended primarily for frequent travelers, workers with busy days, or simply for people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.