Soon a public agency dedicated to innovation in health?


On the occasion of the Strategic Council of Health Industries (CSIS), a public structure aimed at establishing a dialogue between the State and industrialists, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron presented the “Health Innovation 2030” plan with a budget of 7 billion euros. The objective is to “make France the leading European nation in health innovation“, declared Emmanuel Macron on this occasion.

This program provides for measures aimed at relaunching and consolidating the biomedical research policy, ensuring the sovereignty of France in preclinical research, supporting the development of biotherapies or even supporting the emergence, growth and industrialization of start-ups. up specialized in health

A fragmented ecosystemThe creation of an agency dedicated to health innovation is also in the drawers of the Elysée. The Strategic Council of Health Industries regrets that the current organization of the State is “extremely fragmented”, which constitutes “a brake on the dynamic of innovation in health”. In practice, several bodies deal with digital issues in health, such as the Digital Health Agency (ANS), the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) or the Regional Agency. health (ARS).

This agency will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the “Health Innovation 2030” plan and reporting to the government on the proper implementation of the measures, and proposing adaptations if necessary. It will also have to ensure that the existing procedures tend towards simplification. Also, it will guide and support “the carriers of innovation” as a one-stop shop. The concrete implementation modalities of the agency are being examined through a feasibility study.

The future interlocutor of the European BARDAAt European level, the entity will be a key interlocutor of the future “Health Emergency Response Authority” (HERA), an authority specializing in responding to health emergencies. Presented in November 2020 by the European Commission, HERA is inspired by the model of the Authority for Advanced Biomedical Research and Development (BARDA) in the United States responsible for the acquisition and development of medical countermeasures, mainly against bioterrorism, including nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical (NRBC) threats, as well as emerging diseases.

The players in the sector have been calling for several months for the creation of such a structure, like Bpifrance, France Biotech, Bio-Up and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) which published a study on “HealthTech” in April latest.
