Spire Health Tags are available in Apple Stores

Spire Health Tags are tiny devices that you can stick on your clothes to collect all kinds of data.

Spire Health Tags collect data on your steps, heart rate and stress level. Good news: they are now available in your favorite Apple Store.

Spire Health Tags

The company first marketed a breathing monitoring to detect when you are feeling stressed; and so help you calm down. Four years later, Spire only offers these Health Tags. They can be placed on your pants or sports bra.

So yes, there are plenty of smart health connected devices capable of collecting this type of information. But Spire Health Tags have other benefits. There is no need to charge the device. A tag’s battery will last a year and a half before going out. They are also machine washable. Just choose a few outfits and stick the tag on each one.

Spire Health Tags

Of course, a few other startups are working on making smart clothes. Enflux makes the clothes and sews them into the motion sensor. There is also the Vitali “smart” bra which is equipped with an integrated sensor to detect stress. Finally, we can also cite OmSignal. The company manufactures workout clothing that collects "medical grade biometric data to achieve optimal health."

But these tiny labels are different in that they allow you to choose the clothes you want to add them to.

"Continuous health data will revolutionize global health and well-being. But early user experiences have been hampered by poor user experience; and a focus on the material rather than the results that the material can create, ”said Jonathan Palley. "By doing away with the device, we believe Health Tag is the first product to unlock the potential."

Spire health tags will be sold in Apple Stores as a three pack for $ 130. There are also six packs for 230 dollars. And a pack of eight for 300 dollars.