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Styr Labs, smart health connected sport and nutrition coaching


With a global approach that takes into account the way you eat, the program developed by Styr Labs optimizes smart health connected sport and nutrition.

It’s from finding that physical exertion and the way you eat were intimately linked that the designers of Styr Labs have decided to offer a new approach to smart health connected fitness. What is the purpose of the kilometers traveled and the calories lost each day, sweating blood and water on the treadmill of a gym, if you do not eat well in parallel with everything you do to stay in shape ?

Vitamins and smart health connected sport

With the help of dieticians and the desire to provide a more global solution, Styr Labs has decided to set up a nutritional component directly linked to the data collected by smart health connected bracelets used by fitness and sport enthusiasts in general in their fitness programs. The key to the system is of course the activity tracker.

In se serving collected data – physical fitness, weight, height, body mass index, fat level, heart rate, average distance traveled each day, frequency and duration of sports sessions, intensity of effort, the Styr Labs bracelet and its dedicated application query a large database that includes over 250,000 scientific studies carried out by researchers and specialists in nutrition and food intake. This results in a “diagnosis”, or at least a nutritional recommendation, which is also accompanied by a vitamin intake program calibrated specially for you.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1k77dRUhvA (/ embed) 

Of course, we may regret that this good idea is limited to interrogating a kind of food wikipedia where the advice of a food expert, or at least a coach, would have been much more relevant.

However, this is the first time that a smart health connected bracelet, as well as the application that goes with it, offer a more global approach to fitness. And we can logically assume that the system developed by Styr Labs will certainly be more effective in optimizing fitness than the simple regular attendance of a room, whatever the quality and intensity of the efforts you provide. To stay in a closed circuit, Styr Labs has developed its own range of vitamins which can be delivered directly to your health home, depending on the requirements of the bracelet and the application. However, the use of this "vitamin program" of course remains at the discretion of the user.

