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  • Szechuan filet mignon recipe- 365 days Chinese healthy recipes for May 13

Szechuan filet mignon recipe- 365 days Chinese healthy recipes for May 13

 Szechuan filet mignon recipe 

Ingredients of Szechuan filet mignon recipe for 8 people

4 kg of filet mignon

200 g leeks

2green peppers

2red peppers


5cloves of garlic

8tablespoons soy sauce

4tablespoons of white wine

1teaspoon caster sugar

1/2tablet of chicken







Cooking1 h

Totaltime 2 hours

PREPARATIONSzechuan Filet mignon recipe

1 Cutthe meat into small cubes and fry in a wok with olive oil, let it brown overhigh heat and cook over low heat.

2 Whilethe meat is cooking , prepare the vegetables , open peppers to remove seeds andfilaments, and rinse . Peel the onion and garlic. Wash the leeks . Mince thegarlic and chop the other vegetables.

3 Whenthe meat is cooked , remove from wok and sauté for about 10 minutes all thevegetables over high heat , stirring constantly .

4 Pourthe soy sauce, white wine, sugar , ginger, bouillon cube , 6 tablespoons hotwater , salt and pepper , and finally meat. Mix carefully . Cover and cook fora good 15 minutes.

Grape Leaves Stuffed with Rice

Recipe Type: Free Appetizer RecipesRecipePreparation: cookCookingTemperature:RecipeServes: 4

Ingredientsfor Grape Leaves Stuffed with Rice Recipe

5 tb Choppedonions1/4 ts Cinnamon1 c Oil1/2 ts Peppermint2 c Water1 ts Paprika1 c Brown rice1/2 ts Pepper1 ts Salt1/2 ts Allspice2 ts KelpJuice of 1 lemon2 ts Dill weed12 ea Grape leaves

Grape LeavesStuffed with Rice Preparation

Saute onionsin oil till light brown. Add 1 cwater with the rice, salt & kelp. Mix well. Cover & cook till the wateris absorbed. Remove from heat, cool slightly & add remaining spices. Place1 generous ts of filling onto each grape leaf. Make one fold up from the baseof the leaf, tuck in the sides & roll up tightly. Place in a heavy saucepan& fold down, packing the rolls tightly. Add remaining cup of water &lemon juice. Cook slowly over low heat till almost all the liquid has beenabsorbed. Serve hot or cold. Vegetarian Times Cookbook.


RecipeType:Free Appetizer RecipesRecipe Preparation:Cooking Temperature:Recipe Serves: 6

Ingredients for Fried Mussels Recipe

500 g Mussels125 g Ouzo500 g Oil100 g Flour1/2 ts Salt3 tb Grated parmesan1 c Beer2 Eggs50 g Yogurt1/2 ts Baking soda

Fried Mussels Preparation

We clean themussels well and put them in a baking dish. We sprinkle the ouzo over the topand leave them covered for one hour. We dip them in the batter. We take them,one by one, separately with a spoon, and we fry them in hot oil. BATTER: Webeat the beer with the flour, add the salt, the parmesan, the eggs, the yogurtand the soda.

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