Taschen 1000 Nudes. A History Of Erotic Photography goop

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TASCHEN 1000 Nudes. A History Of Erotic Photography: This book = nudes, nudes, nudes. One thousand of them to be exact. In fact, it’s probably the most thorough look at nude photography we’ve ever seen. Beginning with the earliest nude daguerreotypes, it comprehensively spans the ages up until present-day. Everything you see is taken from Uwe Scheid’s collection, one of the most impressive collections of erotic photography of all time. Hardcover 576 pages ISBN: 9783836554466.


Gwyneth Paltrow started goop as a homemade weekly newsletter in her kitchen in 2008. It’s come a long way since then. We start difficult conversations, break taboos, and explore for connection and resonance wherever we can find it, all from a stance of inquiry and nonjudgment. We don’t mind leading the charge—in other words, we go first so you don’t have to. We’re delighted to have you here.