Taschen The New Erotic Photography Vol. 1 goop

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TASCHEN The New Erotic Photography Vol.1: Sexy. Introspective. Informative. Cheeky. These words can only begin to describe this 320 page volume, full of the world’s boldest erotica photographers’ works, and first-access interviews that touch upon everything from inspiration and censorship to how to find models and the intricacies of nude photography as a living. Hardcover 320 pages ISBN: 9783836544030.


Gwyneth Paltrow started goop as a homemade weekly newsletter in her kitchen in 2008. It’s come a long way since then. We start difficult conversations, break taboos, and explore for connection and resonance wherever we can find it, all from a stance of inquiry and nonjudgment. We don’t mind leading the charge—in other words, we go first so you don’t have to. We’re delighted to have you here.