Temp-Drop, a sensor that analyzes fertility in women


A start-up has just launched a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter for the Temp-Drop, a sensor supposed to measure a woman's fertility using body temperature.

New find on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo : a company has just launched a fundraising campaign for the Temp-Drop, a gadget supposed to be able measure woman's fertility. The object in question has the shape of a small pebble skin color and measures a few centimeters high: it can be attached to a bracelet to then analyze the temperature of the woman’s body throughout the day, and especially at night. His price ? $ 50 in pre-order, with delivery from the month ofoctober 2014 (if the project is fully funded).

Quite simply, it will seek to analyze the body temperature of the woman to determine the coldest point, which generally corresponds to the period of ovulation in her. Beforehand, the Temp-Drop must first record temperature variations for several nights in succession.

Temp-Drop, a disguised THERMOMETER?

In the Internet of Things, it is smart health connected health that attracts the greatest attention of French people. With the Temp-drop, women looking for the "right moment" will therefore be able to avoid waking up to have to take their temperature during the night (or in the morning). On this subject, the ehealth of presentation is rather well made, and enumerates all the galleys that one women to determine the good moment the idea is not revolutionary in itself, it has the merit of being quite useful… It remains to be seen whether the IndieGogo campaign will come to an end: With a goal of $ 100,000 in collections over two months, it has so far only collected $ 13,000 after half already of elapsed time. The founders still took care to announce that if the campaign did not come to an end, all participants would be reimbursed.

Temp-Drop presentation ehealth:

Official site : Temp Drop
