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  • The 10 revolutionary medical smart health connected objects of tomorrow,

The 10 revolutionary medical smart health connected objects of tomorrow,


Revolutionary health smart health connected objects!

The health objective of thesmart health connected object basic, the connected bracelet, is first and foremost the struggle, simple and fun, against the sedentary life that threatens us all. The patient who becomes an actor of his health: this is the challenge of e-health, with the stated goal of better care, better prevention, to better heal. But the creativity of the actors and manufacturers of e-health is without limit : the market announces new revolutionary smart health connected objects that will eventually not only supplement but replace the most sophisticated medical and surgical procedures! Panorama (provisional) of our medicine of tomorrow.

The appearance of cyberpillules dates back to 2004. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the subcutaneous implantation of chips with radiolabels for medical purposes. Now, cyberpillules are equipped with microprocessorsand which, once ingested, make it possible to measure biophysical parameters and to send this information to the doctor.

Cyberpillules are also able to deliver to patients their daily doses of medication.

There are patches with flexible electronic circuits that now stick to the skin and monitor the health of the user, via his smartphone.

  • Bionic bihormonal pancreas

This object is composed of 2 boxes, controlled by a smartphone. The first case is able to measure the blood sugar level (glycemia) every 5 minutes, and the second case sends a hyperglycemic hormone when the user is in hypoglycemia. This effective coupling will enable diabetics to regain real autonomy in the face of the disease.

A nanorobot is currently being studied by European researchers. It has 15 modules that are swallowed by the patient before assembling in the intestine and performing very complex surgical operations!

It is a system of neural implants whose neurological signals can be decoded in real time by an external peripheral system … Brain stimulation can be provoked to treat patients with Parkinson's disease.

  • Smart dust

The dust grains are not what they were! They can be composed of nano-computers equipped with antennas and organized in network. The size of a grain of sand, they can manage complex processes, such as detecting and fighting a beginning cancer, or relieve the pain of an injury. This path is considered as a serious alternative to the surgical operation. On arrival, the benefits of an operation without incision, less pain for the patient, and faster recovery.

  • Controlled contraceptive implant

This new contraceptive implant has a life span of 16 years. Unlike conventional contraceptive implants, there is no need to remove it to conceive a child: just disable it for the time required. It will then be reactivated very easily thanks to the remote control.

  • A special age old smart health watch

The connected watches can become allies of old age and its vicissitudes. Already, they offer all the usual sensor measurements: steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned … Bluetooth, Wifi, 3G, GPS: the most advanced types of connection can monitor a dependent person, in real time and where 'she is. The user in distress can make calls to registered numbers (relatives, doctors, etc.) in the simplest way in the world. Safety side, this type of watch will be equipped with a fall sensor. Thus in case of detection of an accident or a fall, an SOS message will be automatically sent to relatives indicating the GPS position of the person who is a victim. And in return, her family will be able to contact her directly via her connected watch. Finally it can be a virtual pill, and vibrate when it's time to take a drug.

  • A bracelet connected anti-sunburn

A connected bracelet of a new kind is appearing on beaches to monitor a person's sun exposure to prevent skin cancer. No more ravaging sunburns! Now, this bracelet is able to measure the time spent under the UV, and send all the information collected on smartphone or tablet … The user receives this data in real time, he knows when to renew his sunscreen, and when he must imperatively put in the shade to protect themselves. He must have previously informed his skin type and the color of his eyes.

  • A bracelet destroying cancer cells

The giant Google never stops investing in the connected health. He is currently developing a connected bracelet to destroy cancer cells, just that! The user will first have to ingest nanoparticles (see the example of cyberpilules above) which, once attached to cancer cells located in the body of the patient, will emit light. Then these nanoparticles reach the wrist, attracted by a specific magnet located in the connected bracelet. It can then go to the phase of elimination of these diseased cells … In all simplicity!

smart health connected objects are – already! – more what they were! If connected bracelets now equip our wrists with the constancy of a wristwatch, a course is now taken in the design of smart health connected objects of the future. Jacques-Olivier Martin, editor-in-chief of the Figaro Économie and editorial director of the October 2016 Big Bang Santé: "Not only do new technologies become an essential tool to treat more effectively, but they also make it possible to explore unknown territories. little. Thus, the collection and exploitation of data will substantially improve prevention and especially open the door to a predictive medicine that could take precedence over a curative medicine! One day maybe, our doctors will not cure us anymore, but we will reprogramme genetically to avoid the risks of developing certain pathologies … "
