the AI ​​capable of detecting 50 ocular pathologies


DeepMind, Google's Artificial Intelligence, can now detect 50 eye diseases as accurately as a doctor.

As we know, medicine is one of the main fields of application of new technologies in the coming years. Because it represents a real gold mine for companies but also because this sector fascinates researchers. New example with DeepMind, Google's artificial intelligence and its use in ophthalmology.

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DeepMind learned from 3D scans

94% accuracy. This is the very good figure obtained by Google's artificial intelligence in the detection of 50 eye diseases. The least we can say is that DeepMind is a multiform AI and very diverse features. We have already seen it at work with the game of Go, Starcraft or even killer robots. Its last use therefore concerns your eyes. DeepMind was nurtured thanks to a very large database. 3D scans of more than 7500 patients. That's 15,000 eyes and the diagnoses related to them.

A learning work that is bearing fruit since DeepMind is now particularly accurate. 3D technology scans the retina, the AI ​​records the mapping and then Google's algorithm, coupled with optical coherence tomography, establishes a diagnosis. However, artificial intelligence also goes further in explaining its diagnosis and provides patients with advice on the most appropriate care for each disease. The AI ​​even allows to assign a percentage of confidence to the various treatments offered. We can imagine that the relationship is not yet its strong point, but when it does, ophthalmologists can return health home.
