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  • The Almaviva santé group wins the certification "health data host"

The Almaviva santé group wins the certification "health data host"


The law of 26 January 2016 on the "modernization of our health system" replaced the authorization procedure for health data providers with a certification issued by a certification body accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (Cofrac). your.

"Almaviva Health is the first group in medicine, surgery, obstetrics (MCO) certified health data host (HDS) and ISO 27001," welcomed the group.

"The strategic choice to have its own patient data hosting and not to transfer it to a provider, allows the internal storage of this storage and the related know-how to be kept in. It offers all 36 clinics the same high level of data security, "he detailed.

Essential in the context of an HDS certification procedure, the ISO 27001 standard concerns the safety management system, it is recalled.

Certification for the six activities covered by the regulations

Almaviva Health, which has its own servers in a data center, has been certified for the six activities covered by the regulations in force for a year.

These six activities are:

  • the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the physical sites for hosting the physical infrastructure of the information system used for the processing of health data

  • the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the physical infrastructure of the information system used for the processing of health data

  • the provision and maintenance of the information system application hosting platform

  • the provision and maintenance of the virtual infrastructure of the information system used for the processing of health data

  • the administration and operation of the information system containing the health data

  • health data backup.

The activity number 5 subject to certification, which concerns the administration and operation of the information system containing the health data proposed by "hosting providers", is currently the subject of a debate. Because it concerns an "exogenous" activity for most hosts, it could be removed.

This year, the commercial group of seniors' homes (Ehpad), clinics and senior services residence Orpea, also won the HDS certification for the six areas of activity, it is recalled.

Structures wishing to embark on a certification process may apply to one of the 7 accredited certification bodies: Afnor, Bureau Veritas, BSI, Ernst & Young (EY), ICTS, LNE and LSTI, reminds -we. The list of certified HDS hosts is available on the website of the Agency for Shared Health Information Systems (Asip Health): esante.gouv.com.
