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  • The ANS (ex-Asip santé) submits eight new chapters of the technical doctrine for consultation

The ANS (ex-Asip santé) submits eight new chapters of the technical doctrine for consultation


These eight chapters are:

  • ethics

  • the "convergence" tool, which "ensures respect for compliance and convergence with the doctrine"

  • the actor repository for natural persons, which provides details on the "identification data of professionals who need to access, exchange or share health data"

  • the repository of actors for legal persons, which specifies "identification data for legal persons in the health sector"

  • the operational directory of resources (ROR), which describes "the common health offer in the health and medico-social sectors"

  • the digital identity of health and medico-social actors, which relates to "public and private authentication mechanisms allowing access to digital health services"

  • Health data host certification (HDS)

  • 3.0 structures, which aim to "bring out a network of pilot structures ready to experiment with new uses of digital technology".

"The concertation of the 14 chapters of the technical doctrine" has "already allowed to collect nearly a hundred returns," said the ANS.

The agency notably submitted for consultation a "probative force" benchmark in November, we recall.

The consultation is open until January 19, 2020, it said.
