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  • the AP-HP and five companies are imagining the “digital hospital” via their “@ HôtelDieu” project

the AP-HP and five companies are imagining the “digital hospital” via their “@ HôtelDieu” project


This project is supported by “an alliance of complementary actors” made up of the companies Implicity, Lifen, Nabla, Nouveal, Withing, the Biolabs incubator, the University of Paris and the AP-HP, with its platform of support for digital health projects.

The consortium was formed in “early April”, when together, the partners responded to the call for expressions of interest (AMI) “Digital health”, launched by the public investment bank Bpifrance.

The “Digital Health” AMI aims to promote the emergence in France of innovative solutions “armed with medico-economic value propositions to conquer the e-health market”, Bpifrance reminds us on its site.

“This project is a response to this AMI, we are in an application phase, at this stage it has been shortlisted and we believe in it, this is the reason why we present it here collectively”, explained Nicolas Castoldi, director AP-HP delegate, responsible for the conduct of

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