The appearance of loss of autonomy in the senior


Loss of autonomy is a phenomenon related to the advancing age that affects the physical and psychomotor abilities of seniors and has a profound impact on carers' lives. What is loss of autonomy? What are the impacts and how can they be addressed?


Loss of autonomy, also called dependence, corresponds to the inability for an individual to perform certain acts of everyday life by himself. This dependence generally starts around age 60 and is progressing. Its beginning and intensity depends on each person.In 2050, 22.3 million people will be aged 60 or older and therefore subject to loss of autonomy.


Loss of autonomy most often results in progressive isolation of the senior because joint disorders and hearing make his travels and social relations more difficult. To this may be added a change in eating habits. If the senior is eating less and less, it can alert you. Finally, memory problems as well as mood swings can be a sign of loss of autonomy.The level of loss of autonomy can be evaluated by a professional who will use the AGGIR grid. The latter is based on "GIR" categories ranging from 1 to 6:

  • GIR 1:those who are bedridden, whose mental faculties are severely impaired, and who require an ongoing presence of responders.

  • GIR 2:persons who are confined to a bed or chair, whose mental faculties are not totally impaired, and who require care for most activities of daily living.People who have impaired mental functions but have retained their ability to move.

  • GIR 3:people who have retained their mental faculties but who need several times a day aids for body care.

  • GIR 4:persons who do not transfer alone (for example, getting up alone from the chair) but who, when they are up, can move inside the dwelling. They must sometimes be helped for the toilet and to get dressed.People who have no problem getting around but need help with bodily activities and meal preparation.

  • GIR 5:people who may need punctual help for washing and domestic activities: preparing meals, cleaning …

  • GIR 6:autonomous persons for all important acts of everyday life.


The impacts of loss of autonomy can appear in different forms: balance disorder, change in eating habits, decreased hygiene, memory problems, mood changes, social isolation.Dependency can lead to depression if it is not supported. It is therefore important to watch for changing habits and behavior of your aging loved ones in order to detect a possible loss of autonomy.


It is important that seniors continue to have regular physical activity because it helps to fight against loss of autonomy. An older person who does not engage in any physical activity will see the effects of addiction more quickly, so physical difficulties will occur.

Depending on the degree of dependence and the means available to carers, it is possible to:

  • Equip the home of the senior through home automation.Housing becomes intelligent thanks to smart health connected objects that communicate with each other. It is a solution that allows you to gain autonomy and facilitate everyday tasks. In addition, it reassures family carers who can not always be present for their loved ones because they are alerted in case of anomaly. This solution is offered by absmarthealth in the form of packs that adapt to the level of dependence of the person.

  • To call on a carerwho will accompany the elderly person punctually to help him perform everyday tasks such as cleaning or shopping for example.

  • Place the loved one in a specialized institutiontype EHPAD or retirement home, it reassures caregivers because the close is under daily surveillance. Nevertheless the elderly fear the time to leave their home to settle in this type of establishment. This type of decision also generates a significant cost that is not available to all. The solution proposed by absmarthealth makes it possible to reduce the costs with a simple installation and which makes it possible to delay the setting in specialized establishment.

For a more serene life, find the packs of to adapt the home to seniors with loss of autonomy. For more information:

