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  • The benefits of the jacuzzi for aches and pains – Treatments

The benefits of the jacuzzi for aches and pains – Treatments

Immersing yourself in a jacuzzi does not only provide this pleasant feeling of relaxation. Apart from relaxation, this hot whirlpool bath has innumerable therapeutic virtues for the body, but also for the mind. It is ideal for relieving certain disorders and pathologies, for combating fatigue and chronic stress and for facilitating sleep.

Many different cultures recognize its actions in the field of health, relaxation and beauty. Focus on the benefits of the jacuzzi for aches and pains.

The jacuzzi, a great way to relax and release stress

The SPA is an excellent ally for relaxation. After a hard day’s work, having a spa session on your way home from work will do you a lot of good. This moment of well-being represents a kind of relaxing break that will allow you to recharge your batteries and relax. In fact, water promotes peace and quiet. When the body is submerged, it weighs only a third of its normal weight. This provides a real feeling of lightness. The movements of the body thus become less violent, more ample and are slowed down.

Depending on their power and orientation, the water jets of the jacuzzi also have massaging properties on targeted areas or the whole body. They stimulate the secretion of endorphins (the happiness hormone). This hormone provides feelings of pleasure and well-being and relieves stress.

The combined effect of hot water and heat facilitates muscle relaxation, helps relieve tension and lowers blood pressure. This will cause muscle relaxation and thus promote the elimination of toxins and accumulated stress. The body is therefore completely relaxed after a good hot whirlpool bath. So you can invest in a private jacuzzi spa for example to take advantage of real moments of conviviality and relaxing with friendsas a couple or as a family.

A hot tub can help improve your blood circulation

Hot water is an element that improves blood circulation. When you take a bath in a hot tub, the temperature of the water is higher than that of your body. This produces vasodilation. However, good blood circulation has an impact on many processes. It promotes cardiac activity, alleviates joint pain and muscles and reduces muscle tension. With the dilation of blood vessels, endorphins and certain nutrients have easier access to damaged cells to activate their regeneration.

After practicing activities that subject your body to strong tension (sports for example), you can take a hot whirlpool bath to recover quickly. The massage bubbles of the jacuzzi allow indeed to energize blood circulation and relax your muscles. This promotes the supply of oxygen and the evacuation of lactic acid and toxins.

It’s a great way to relieve back pain

Hot water immersion or hydrotherapy is an excellent solution for relieving periodic or chronic back pain. If you suffer from back pain, the hot tub can be a real asset in their relief process. The temperature of the water in your spa promotes the relaxation of your muscles and the massage of the water jets helps to reduce stiffness and tension. The jet massage also promotes the optimization of blood circulation in painful areas.

Just add a few stretches to your routine for best results. Stretching in a hot tub provides a better range of motion by promoting muscle flexibility. Which allows toevacuate tensions and achieve better mobility and flexibility. To effectively relieve back pain with jacuzzi baths, it is essential that your body is comfortably positioned in the seat. Opt for suitable seats.

Numerous scientific studies prove that jacuzzi therapies can have beneficial actions for people who suffer from back pain. However, always seek the advice of a medical professional in case of back problems.

A hot tub can help you sleep better at night

The jacuzzi can help improve the quality of sleep. When you do a SPA session alone, you create a real moment of relaxation during which you focus on yourself to clear your mind and recharge your batteries. The jacuzzi allows you to take time for yourself and recharge your batteries in an environment of relaxation. This allows you to forget the worries of everyday life and boost your morale.

The heat goes ease your nervous tension. Mental and physical fatigue will be evacuated to lead you to a state of deep well-being and serenity. After the spa session, your sleep will therefore be more restorative and you will sleep like a baby.

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