the best holiday destinations in France

Are you looking for destinations for the All Saints holidays? Know that the trend is to stay in France and go to the seaside!

Ah, what do we like to go on vacation on All Saints Day! Indian summer, autumn colors and a first break after summer: can you see yourself there already? Nothing surprising. On the contrary ! According to a study conducted by HomeAwayexpert in holiday rentals with family or friends, 30% of French people have already booked their autumn holidays or plan to do so soon. And 50% think of these holidays, without a specific plan.

There are several reasons for this attraction: the desire to take a last sunbath before winter, cheaper prices than in summer, the fact that there are fewer people… Abritel confirms this. “In October, average rental prices can drop by 30 to 40% in many All Saints’ Day destinations in France. This is a real change from August, including in popular regions such as the Mediterranean or Atlantic coast. ». So, for which destination will you fall for the All Saints holidays in 2022 ?

Indian summer on the Atlantic coast and the English Channel

Photo credit : HomeAway

The favorite places of the French : Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine, Côtes d’Armor, Morbihan, Calvados, Charente-Maritime

Among the ideal All Saints’ Day destinations, look to the French ocean beaches and the Channel coast. Autumn colors, like in a romantic painting, serve as a backdrop to a windy coastal landscape. The waves peacefully hit the shore in a sunny atmosphere.

Yes, always keep in mind that the West of France, especially the Brittany coast, experiences its Indian summer every year. Ideal for invigorating walks with the tribe, the beaches of the West and the Channel are wide and large enough not to have to pile up. In the fall, the dogs are released and the children run breathlessly. The youngest and the oldest walk with energy and pleasure. The sports activities are numerous, varied and are for everyone: surfing, kitesurfing, sailing, sand yachting, fat-biking, running or walking, mountain biking, long coast

Leaving the beach, you appreciate the between-season atmosphere that emanates from the streets of the ports and the seaside towns. The seagulls still resound with their greedy cries, the fishing trawlers come and go, the restaurateurs are relaxed… All the worries of the start of the school year are swept away with a wave of the hand, just by taking advantage of the offshore wind.

The atmosphere of off-season Atlantic coastline ? It’s one of our favourites, we don’t hide it… So don’t wait any longer to take advantage of the great fall offers offered by Abritel. You could also live your off-season Atlantic experience, like the locals looking for calm after the summer has passed.

The South and the Mediterranean, where swimming never stops

Photo credit : HomeAway

The favorite corners of the French: the Var, Corse-du-Sud, Bouches-du-Rhône

Has anyone told you that the weather is always sunny in the Mediterranean? Come on, we’re not going to make you languish any longer: it was rather true! Particularly between April and November, it’s a treat. The beach is deserted by tourists and the water remains at an affordable temperature. Especially in autumn when the passage of summer allows you to still enjoy a sea that has warmed up throughout the summer.

If you don’t like the compact crowds of the summer holidays, this period will reconcile you with the southern beaches. Imagine the biggest seaside resorts devoid of deckchairs. Imagine the clear horizon, without an umbrella to spoil your view. Imagine your towel lying on sand or pebbles, more than fifty meters from your nearest neighbor. Imagine your kiteboard carried by the offshore winds to glide over the water at the edge of the shore.

Do you like these images? It’s up to you to live all this in real life. In addition, you can enjoy the magnificent stone villages located inland nearby. Like the beaches, they are less crowded than during the summer. You will be able to feel the tranquility of the alleys where time seems to stand still. And too bad if you don’t hear the cicadas that have deserted the area.

The South is also appreciated in its autumnal atmosphere. This is also the time when the olives are the biggest on the trees, ready to be picked. So book without delay your All Saints holidays on the beaches of the Mediterranean. Take advantage of Abritel’s offers to find your sun destination in the Mediterranean for the All Saints’ Day holidays 2022.

The Overseas Departments, for an extraordinary Toussaint 2022

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Jeff Run, RadekSzymczakPhoto

The favorite corners of the French: Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique

We sometimes tend to forget that when we want to go on holiday in France, we can also go to the Antilles or the Indian Ocean. Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion… Yes, when the grayness of October haunts the metropolis, you probably dream of cocktails, coconut palms and warm seas. Nostalgic for summer? So don’t stop yourself from extending it!

Autumn in the Doms is a special time when a scent of disconnection floats. The climate is still mild there. In the West Indies, the rain sometimes appears furtively to refresh the beach goers. You dive into the sea to cool off while waiting for the drops to subside. Five minutes later, you dry off and tan again, the clouds leave as quickly as they arrive.

Do you like the decor? Logically, the Doms embody a perfect Toussaint destination. As in mainland France, it is the off-peak season. In fact, the flights to get there are less expensive than usual and on site, your rentals will be more economical. So take advantage of the great offers for the All Saints holidays in Overseas France. With family, friends or lovers, you will inevitably find the accommodation that suits you to live a little longer to the rhythm of summer.

With nearly 3,000 km of coastline in mainland France, and 17,000 more overseas, there is no shortage of seaside. What to enjoy for a successful All Saints’ Day holiday!

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