The biometric vital card far from unanimous

Twenty million euros: this is the bill for the future biometric vital card. At least from his experience. A significant investment voted by the Senate, within the framework of the amending finance law but which is not unanimous in the ranks of health professionals. Some have not hesitated to express their strong opposition to the implementation of this new system, which they consider more as a political decision than as an effective solution to fraud.

The electronic tool is put forward by politicians as an effective means of thwarting fraudsters since biometric cards contain the physical characteristics of the insured, like fingerprints. Already on the agenda in 2019, this project had been rejected by the National Assembly on the pretext that the experimentation of a dematerialized and non-biometric vital card was already underway in several departments. Two years later, the opposition remains strong, especially in the ranks of the first union of general practitioners, which denounces unnecessary spending. Opposition also noted within the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France.

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