The CH of Arles integrates its medical reports in the DMP


Thus, "the reports of consultation, operation and hospitalization" carried out at the hospital, which feed the DMP, are available "both by the patient but also by the city doctor and health professionals. (nurses, pharmacists, etc.), "said the CH.

This makes it possible to improve the patient's management throughout his career thanks to medical data "accessible quickly and at any time," he continues.

The production of medical reports is dematerialized via a digital dictation made with a software of voice recognition of the Zenidoc editor. The transmission to the corresponding doctors is done with secure health messaging (MSSanté) Apicrypt.

Interviewed on October 30 by APMnews, the primary health insurance fund (CPAM) of Bouches-du-Rhône indicated that several health care institutions feed the DMP.

"To date, and cumulative data, there are 5,300 DMPs that have been created by the institutions, and more than 6,000 are powered," reports the CPAM. Among the most active establishments, besides the CH of Arles, the health insurance mentions the Public Assistance-Marseille hospitals (AP-HM) and the Paoli-Calmettes Institute (IPC).
