The first 3D drug approved

On Monday August 3, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the marketing of drugs made by a 3D printer.

A three-dimensional treatment. As of Monday, August 3, the FDA likely allowed medicine to take a step forward. Working on a project 3d drug for a few years now, the american company has finally reached a marketable result. By authorizing the development of Spritam, a drug that wants to fight to fight againstepilepsy adults and children, the Food and Drug Administration has indeed opened the market to 3D drugs. As technology is more and more present in the world of medicine, the American company Aprecia Pharmaceutical passes for a forward thinking with this first three-dimensional drug.

Planned for the first quarter of 2016, the marketing of such a drug is a continuation of the partnership "3D medicine". While lenses made by 3D printers are still under study, the arrival on the market of Spritam should pave the way for new innovations. So it would not be surprising to see the arrival of custom drugs, with precise and calculated dosages for each patient …
