The Health Data Hub officially launched!


The digital component of the MaSanté 2022 plan is starting to take shape. First pillar of this program: the Health Data Hub which is officially launched.

New tools, such as mass processing of health data and artificial intelligence will allow significant progress in patient support, assessment and choice of treatments and management of the health system. This is why many countries are investing in this area.

On March 31, 2019, the President of the Republic launched an “artificial intelligence” plan for France to become a leader in this field. France already has many assets: research in medicine and applied mathematics among the best in the world, an exceptional medico-administrative database, numerous cohorts, registers and hospital data, as well as an ecosystem of start-ups in these very active areas.

However, a key infrastructure, a database system and related services were missing: the Health data hub, which allows us to cross the health databases we have and to facilitate their use by the numerous research and development teams with total respect for the privacy of users of the health system.

In 18 months, important work has been accomplished. From a roadmap established with all stakeholders, the legal and technical infrastructures have been developed. On July 24, the law relating to the organization and transformation of the health system, of which article 41 defines the GIP Health data hub, was promulgated. Four months later, this structure is officially created and the texts relating to its creation, published on November 30, 2019.

In a few weeks, the technology platform will be open to the first projects and a first catalog of databases will be made available to researchers, but also patient and citizen associations, institutions, start-ups, and various stakeholders in the health sector. This platform has a high degree of security and can only store non-personal data.

The Minister of Solidarity and Health has already established the first axes of the GIP roadmap. By 2022, it will have to enrich the data catalog, deploy an attractive range of services to facilitate the processing and use of data, inform users of the health system and facilitate the exercise of all of their rights and gain national and international visibility. To do this, it will rely on partnerships, primarily in France and in Europe, with research institutes and data producers.

Source: Ministry of Solidarity and Health

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