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  • The LET formulates five proposals to "bring out a French and European telemedicine"

The LET formulates five proposals to "bring out a French and European telemedicine"


Created in January 2019, the LET has within its office Dr. Maxime Cauterman (Livi), Dr. Fanny Jacq (DoctoConsult), Marie-Laure Saillard (MesDoctors), Nicolas Wolikow (Qare) and François Lescure (DoctorDirect), who is also the president of the association.

To address the issue of access to care and the problem of congestion in emergencies, the LET had already advocated making telemedicine "the quickest way to advance equal access to care in all settings. the territory ", in a forum published on September 10 in Les Echos.

Indeed, telemedicine is regularly presented as one of the solutions to the crisis of emergencies and for access to care in medical deserts. To carry this alternative, the young association has formulated five proposals, intended for the public authorities:

  • formally associate the LET with the working groups on digital health

  • to have a pragmatic approach to the service of access to care (SAS) by capitalizing on our know-how, and our immediately available support capacity

  • register telemedicine in the continuum of care

  • remove barriers to telemedicine professionals to build on a stronger network of practitioners in the territories

  • contractualize with telemedicine companies to achieve a balanced economic and regulatory model without giving up an immediately available solution.

While the entry into force of the reimbursement of common law teleconsultation acts will blew its first candle on September 15, the health insurance was waiting for the reimbursement of 500,000 acts the first year, remembered.
