The paradox of time: how to have more time in the day

You have probably already noticed: the more you are in a hurry, the faster time flies. And the reverse is just as true: the more time you have to kill, the longer it seems.

That’s what I call the paradox of time. And with a little mental effort, you can use it to your advantage.

Obviously, there are a whole bunch of techniques to better manage your time during the day (I have devoted a large file of 5 articles to this if you are interested). But just a small change in the way you see things on a daily basis can have very big effects.

To have more time, take it

To have time, you have to take it. Simply.

If you feel that time is slipping away from you, that you are always in a hurry and that you are running out of time, it is just that you are not taking the time to live.

It is simplebut not easy. I’m talking aboutmental effort, because it is precisely when you run out of time that you have to take it the most. Out, instinctively, it is the opposite which occurs. When you’re in a hurry, you run, you hurry. But the more you go in this direction, the faster time will pass. The more you are in a hurry, the faster time flies. the circle quickly becomes vicious.

When I talk about taking your time, it’s really just this: don’t try to go fast in everything you do.

You have a super busy day, and you’re already at a rush in your schedule? Stop for 5 minutes, take long breaths, and above all take your time.

You’ll see, at the start, it’s super hard.

In the morning, instead of running in all directions, voluntarily take your time getting dressed, brushing your teeth. At noon, instead of rushing your lunch, take the time to enjoy your meal.

By car, instead of wanting to accelerate all the time and burn the orange/red lights, drive quietly.

The truth is that these few minutes of extra time taken will not change much in your schedule. On the other hand, in terms of sensations, it will make a huge difference.

You will feel less rushed, and therefore less stressed. Which, in turn, will put you in a better mood, and make you more efficient. And when you are more efficient, you do things better and faster. So you will have more time. The circle becomes virtuous.

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