the smart health connected coach you can't lie to!


Naked Labs. Whether you suffer from an eating disorder, a personality disorder, or simply are very complex with your physique, we often get fooled by our eyes. They think they see fat or vice versa, in the mirror … So who to believe? Now, Naked Labs, the first slimming coach who will not give you a gift and who will show you as you are!

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To finish with the yo-yo diet, or quite simply the diets where it is difficult to motivate oneself for lack of visible results… It is precisely the goal of the smart health connected mirror developed by the American startup, that of giving clear information and objective so that the individual can manage his weight loss day by day.

3D technology associated with Intel sensors

In fact, the Naked Labs comes in the form of a full-length mirror, smart health connected to the Internet and which plugs into an outlet. In addition, there is a wireless scale that allows 3D scanning. This 3D technology is associated with a series of depth sensors developed by the computer giant Intel, to deliver to the individual, a very precise cartography of his body.

These very precise images are calculated in relation to several points: the symmetry of the body, the circumference of the user's muscles and their fat mass in relation to their size. In this way, the designers of Naked Labs want to offer a slimming tracker smart health connected to people so that they can see a objective version of their body.

From this 3D mapping, users can set up objectives and an alert system on the associated application.

Availability of Naked Labs

Naked Labs still under development, but it is available for pre-order for individuals on the brand website… But only for the United States, we will have to be a little patient for Europeans. However, we already know its price: just under 490 euros.
