the smart health connected mattress for better sleep

Bultex e-bed review price Review: the mattress for smart health connected sleep, better sleep combines mattress, bracelet and smartphone application as well as other solutions to improve your sleep.

Bultex e-bed Review review: the smart health connected mattress for better sleep

Leader on the French mattress market, the Cofel group known for its brands Epeda, Merinos and Bultex already offers more than 30 different mattresses to suit each of us.

At the time of the hour change and its impact on our sleep, the brand well known to the general public, thanks to a collaboration with the start-up European Sleep Center announces a new range of 8 smart health connected mattresses.

Intended for all people who suffer from sleep disorders of any age, the smart health connected solution from Bultex offersanalyze our nights to teach us how to sleep better.

Bultex’s promise: measure the quality of your sleep and your physical activity. To improve your sleep habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle. So does Bultex make us dream and what competing offers?

Mattress + wristband + app = improved sleep

Before talking about the design and models of the e Bed mattresses, let’s take a look at smart health connected functions.

The smart health connected mattress

E-Bed mattresses use two CR2032 button batteries to collect information from the temperature of the room and transmit them to your smartphone or tablet via the dedicated application. To activate the Bluetooth connection of the mattress and its temperature sensor, just pull the tab that protects the battery. Its autonomy is approximately 1 year.

Here is the key information of the different models that are starting to be marketed in France.

I start with my favorite the Bultex Very versatile ace (ideal for couples with different builds). It offers a enveloping comfortt through the use of memory foam.

    • 27 cm high

    • all sizes from 70 x 190 cm to 200 x 200 cm

    • Winter side and Summer side

    • 100% BULTEX imprinted core nano 19 cm

    • Memory foam + hypoallergenic fibers

The other soft to extra firm bed mattresses:

  • With the Idyllic you access the softer model, but with dynamic support.

  • The Smash offers dynamic comfort. It provides morphological support thanks to the relaxed head, shoulders and pelvis areas of the heart.

  • The Dunk moderately soft and super supple with the Bultex nano morphological support.

  • The mattress e bed Majestic composed of two memory foam with balanced comfort.

  • The Bultex smart health connected mattress Dribble is firm with a soft welcome thanks to the super flexible Bodysoft foam.

  • The hypnotic is made with Bodysoft foam, the tone of a balanced extra-firm comfort foam.

The “Satisfied or exchanged” offer (between the 15th and the 101st day), allows you to change bedding if the comfort of the model you choose does not satisfy you. But only if you bought a mattress and a box spring from the ebed Unlimited by Bultex range at the same time from one of the partner distributors located in mainland France (excluding Corsica), carried out between 15/02/2019 and 31/12 / 2019. There again rather restricted, it is better not to be mistaken. In addition, you need a file and an agreement. And, if the new bedding is cheaper no refund, if it is more expensive you pay the difference. Mr. Bultex, in 2019, you should offer a satisfied offer or refund and without having to return to the store to negotiate. Fortunately, they deliver and take back the other box spring and mattress at this time.

The smart health connected bracelet e bed

The mattress is actually associated with a bracelet to wear during your sleep analyze many parameters:

  • Sleep duration,

  • The different phases of sleep,

  • The micro-awakenings During the night.

Note that this is a real smart health connected health monitoring bracelet that the day measures your physical activity.

The current system flaw is that if you use the bracelet in heart rate tracking mode, its battery will last a maximum of 24 hours. Without, you go to 72 hours. And if you only do the night mode with no heart rate, it will hold the week. Too bad, in this case we have every day to recharge it. For me, the bracelet should have been powered by a simple button cell battery that would allow it to be worn for 6 months without worrying about having to charge it.

The bracelet recharges in 2 hours with a micro-USB to USB 2 cable. It can store 7 and 21 days of data, depending on the configuration of the heart rate monitoring. That is why it is important to connect it regularly to your smartphone to retrieve your information for long term follow up.

Another particularity, for insomniacs. If you spend more than 5 minutes more than 5 meters from your bed during your night, your e-Bed bracelet will consider that you have finished sleeping. It will therefore stop recording data related to your sleep.

The e bed by Bultex app

These data are measured and then analyzed with theebed by Bultex application on your smartphone, in order to provide you with advice to improve the quality of your nights.

Last update July 5, 2019:

Once your mattress is smart health connected and your bracelet associated with the application, you can access your information and personalized advice from sleep experts as well as challenges to help you change your (bad) habits.

  • Sleep mode. You can also compare your own feelings with the recorded data and activate a smart alarm to wake you up when you need it or remind you when you go to bed.

    • Sleep quality

    • Sleep phases: light, deep, dreams, awakening

    • Time asleep vs. time spent in bed

    • Cardiac frequency

    • Room temperature

    • Overall assessment of your own sleep, you can identify elements that may have affected it.

  • Coach mode. Your coach will offer you a daily report, personalized advice and challenges for optimal recovery.

    • Detailed night report

    • Personalized advice

    • Challenges to improve the quality of sleep

    • Challenges to improve your physical condition

  • Day Activity Mode. We find the classic functions of activity tracers.

    • Number of steps

    • Distance traveled

    • Calories expended

    • Fat burned

    • Cardiac frequency.

  • Sleep and wake-up alarm

    • You can configure the smart alarm so that your e-Bed bracelet warns you when when you want to bed to sleep your ideal number of hours. When the time is come, the bracelet will alert you with a short vibration. Remember that the smart alarm works both inside and outside the operating range of your e- mattressBed.

    • You can also set up the smart alarm to wake you up at the best time of your sleep and feel great. Once the alarm is configured, your e-Bed bracelet will monitoring your sleep to wake you up at the right time, up to thirty minutes before the indicated time. When the time is right, the bracelet will alert you with an intermittent vibration and the mattress icon on the bracelet will light up for 10 seconds.

Good news, you can also consult your results online on the Bultex e bed site.

Sleep better with a smart health connected mattress

Sleep disorders are the root cause of many problems with our health and our mood. But we are largely responsible for the quality of our nights.

Thus the INSERM study studied our approach to sleep: 45% of us find that they lack sleep and 13% that sleeping is a waste of time. The reality is there, we sleep 1.5 hours less than 50 years ago.

The analysis of our sleep using a smart health connected mattress and / or a smart health connected bracelet is already a way of becoming aware with objective measurements of the quality of our sleep. The material part will therefore be used to collect data on us and our sleep. But, the most important is the analysis of the data and how to produce us a useful result to improve our nights. Because otherwise, learning that we sleep badly with numbers will only confirm what we already knew!

So, still according to INSERM, what are the criteria for a good night’s restful sleep and the risks?

> All articles for smart health connected health and the latest innovations

Price and availability Bultex e-bed smart health connected mattress

the range offers a choice according to the type of comfort and reception you want for your mattress. For me, a difficult choice to make without having had the opportunity to lie on it to compare.

Mattress prices range from € 1,285 to € 2,566 depending on the size and comfort chosen. The first bracelet is free, friends you have to request it on the mobile app. The additional ebed bracelet is 59 €.

Other smart health connected mattresses and solution for better sleep

According to a study carried out by Cofel, 12% of French people are equipped with an application or a smart health smart health connected object, watches or other bands, to monitoring the quality of their sleep.

Other manufacturers, such as Maliterie, NordicTrack or the Belgian Gravity already offer smart health connected models. Smart mattresses which are part of a very dynamic market context in France.

  • The NordicTrack with its memory foam offers intelligent sleep management. It includes an iFit smart sleep sensor to place under the mattress. It records your heart rate, breathing, body movements, and sleep patterns. Every morning, via the application, it displays the quality of your sleep index. The smart health connected mattress also offers an intelligent alarm that analyzes your sleep cycle to activate at the most favorable time.I will come back to this mattress through a full Review, because it offers very favorable rates (even if the return policy is as archaic as that of Bultex).

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Other solutions for smart health connected sleep

But traditional mattress manufacturers also have to face competition from smart health connected objects from online sales sites, such as:

Bultex e-bed smart health connected mattress review

Sales began in July 2019, the famous brand’s smart health connected mattresses remain difficult to find online. And just as much to try the full range.

For the moment the idea seems interesting, to see if the addition of a smart health connected mattress brings a real plus to the smart health connected bracelet for sleep analysis. But especially if the software part developed by European Sleep Center will give relevant advice to really improve the quality of sleep.

Awaiting a prolonged Review and the first feedback from other users depending on the model to find out if the Bultex e-bed makes you dream!