The smart health connected polo Ralph Lauren soon on sale!


Ralph Lauren is the historical sponsor of the US Open with the ball collectors all wearing a nice outfit made by the brand. Last year, they wore a prototype T-shirt that was able to measure a lot of data on the activity of the collectors. Finished the Review phase, it will be marketed at the end of the month for $ 249.

Ralph Lauren teamed up with Canadian smart tissue specialist OMSignal to develop this smart polo that can record as well the number of steps, the calories burned, the level of stress as well as the heart and respiratory rates. Exit bracelets and other intrusive devices, this new T-shirt could well be a serious alternative. This is even more true that the T-shirt is aesthetically quite successful, and is certified as very comfortable.

To recover all the information recorded by the polo, it will be necessary own an iPhone device (iOS8), Apple Watch or other iPod Touch 5th generation (or more). The application is also full of many tips and videos that are very customized, depending on the profile of the wearer. Three sets of exercises are highlighted, with one dedicated to cardio, the other to reinforcement and the last to work agility.

The new "PoloTech" will be available from August 27 (a few days before the start of the tennis tournament) on the official website (American), in its stores in New York and in the shops of the US Open. The release date in France is however not yet known. The sale price will be $ 249.

Decidedly, between Maria Sharapova virtual reality and this smart T-Shirt, the US Open will be ultra smart health connected …

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