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  • the smart health connected scale returns to its flagship function

the smart health connected scale returns to its flagship function


On April 18, Withings announced the return of the pulse wave velocity (VOP) measurement on the Body Cardio. This flagship feature has been disabled since the end of January 2018.

When marketed, Withings' Body Cardio offered a very interesting feature. With the scale smart health connected, one could measure its pulse wave velocity. This option differentiated it from the previous products of the brand.

With this measure, users could know their arterial rigidity. By checking how the pulse wave propagated along the artery and the arterial tree, the scale gave them a clear idea of ​​the state of this part of the body. If the speed is too high, it may indicate that the subject has hypertension or diabetes.

At the end of January 2018, Nokia Health, still owner of the French brand, announced the deactivation of this flagship feature.

Overprotection by Nokia

According to the health division of the telecom equipment manufacturer, it was likely to require "additional regulatory approvals". This anticipation of the application of the RGPD on May 25, 2018 had penalized the manufacturer of smart health connected objects.

He had to remove the pulse wave velocity measurement by update. Nokia Health then offered a refund of the smart health connected balance Body Cardio for those who wanted it.

In the meantime, Nokia Health has become Withings again. Eric Carreel, the e co-founder of the brand was surprised at the removal of this feature from the Digital. After the buyout, he said he wanted to reintroduce her on the Body Cardio.

Three years later, Body Cardio remains very innovative

It's now done. In a press release published on April 18th Withings states:

"After examination by the competent authorities and an audit conducted by Withings, it appears that no additional regulatory need is required today for the return of the VOP on Body Cardio scales in Europe which is not classified" device medical".

The product designed in partnership with Professor Boutouryie, a cardiologist and researcher at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital, comes back complete. The first smart health connected scale equipped with the VOP could also return to the United States.

Body Cardio users can already update the smart health connected scale. The others can get it for 149.90 euros instead of 179.90 euros at launch. Amazon sells it even 119 euros.
