The top 5 most popular articles of 2019


The year is almost over. Time for a review of the year. We wanted to know which topics were particularly well received by our readers. Therefore, we have compiled the top 5 most popular articles of 2019.

Only if we know what visitors to our eHealth Blog like can we research relevant topics and write exciting articles. For this reason, we regularly look at the clicks for our articles and analyze the most important key figures. We found that articles about eHealth trends and digital health studies are particularly popular. Along with this, further training and courses in this area are very well received. In addition, our readers are particularly interested in the social media and marketing activities of clinics, doctors and health insurance companies.

Top 5 most popular articles 2019:

Digital medicine: these are the eHealth Trends 2019 >>

Digitization report 2019: Doctors want supportive eHealth solutions >>

Survey: Germans want more AI in medicine and care for the elderly >>

When hospitals blog and post >>

Digital Health Training: Specialist course "Digital Medicine" >>

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