The top smart health connected crowdfunding of the week!


Here is our weekly meeting, the top crowdfunding of the week! This week, our top will offer you only 3 projects, but these are really innovative. So what were we able to detect well in this first week of May? The answer in the rest of the article!

The FormBox, the fast and ultra easy 3D printer!

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Launched just yesterday, the fundraising campaign for this 3D printer was launched on the crowdfunding site KickStarter and already has almost reached his goal of $ 50,000.

What can be the recipe for this dazzling success from its launch? The answer can be found in the ease of use that The FormBox offers.

To obtain an object printed in 3D, you just have to choose the molding material and insert it into your FormBox.Then choose the shape you want to reproduce and model by placing it on the plate of your FormBox provided for this purpose.Then you need to apply your material on the form, as in the ehealth.So you get a molding of the shape you want. This will therefore serve as a mold and will allow you to create objects from it.

You can use different materials such as resin, ice, foam, concrete, jelly, chocolate, plastic or silicone.

So, the only limit you will have is that of your imagination. An innovative 3D printer because slightly different from the others, and which will allow you to create useful or decorative objects, and even why not chocolate decorations to decorate your tables?

Available from $ 349 or roughly 300 euros on KickStarter, the FormBox is a really useful and innovative product!

The Atom, the ultra powerful micro drone

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The fundraising campaign for this project has been launched on the IndieGogo crowdfunding site. This mini drone that fits in the palm of your hand was designed to have an experience immersion and unmatched speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. Ideal for outside as inside, your drone will be controlled from a remote control resembling a game console controller.

Most ? The immersive experience that your drone will provide will go through a pair of smart health connected glasses. You will be able to pilot your drone as if you were on it.

If you like to tinker, you will be more fulfilled because you will receive your Atom in kit to assemble yourself.

Expect to spend no less than $ 549 (around 480 euros) for the complete pack including several batteries, glasses, remote control, and drone in the color of your choice.

SmartEar, the object for the hearing impaired

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The fundraising campaign for this product was launched on the fundraising site by Internet users KissKissBankBank.

This object was created for improve the daily lives of people with hearing loss, unfortunately more and more numerous in an increasingly noisy world.

The objective of the designers of this project is therefore to offer these people a technological tool allowing them to capture different sounds in their habitat, and to transcribe them on their mobile via an application, or on the associated box. In this way, the hearing impaired person can be warned if their fire alarm is triggered, if someone opens their front door or if their landline telephone rings, for example.

This device thus captures all the sounds around it to analyze and transcribe them. SmartEar is easy to install, its box is wireless and portable, adapts to everyone's needs and really makes it possible to improve and facilitate the daily life of the hearing impaired.

This case in its full pack is currently changing on the financing site for 430 euros, a cost certainly high, but which will change the daily life of many people.

Do not hesitate to find our weekly crowdfunding tops by clicking here!
