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  • The "universal" APP in favor of perioperative support. – e-health innovation

The "universal" APP in favor of perioperative support. – e-health innovation


artbzen.com continues its journey at the heart of the Betterise Health Tech application that we have selected to symbolize the necessary digital revolution of our environment that we want.

The APP can integrate the notion that has become essential in the follow-up of operated patients: the "Rapid Recovery After Surgery" (RRAC), allowing them to find quickly good living conditions after a traumatic episode.

This principle of the RRAC has precisely this peculiarity that it requires that the patient is truly actor and responsible for his care journey, before and after his hospitalization. This is precisely the philosophy of the APP and that is of course also the spirit that we defend to improve the systems of care!

It's a digital service that alerts the patient at every important step in their care journey to make sure they do not miss out on any information. It is based on the (deterministic) algorithms of the platform, so it is able to adapt at any time to the patient's situation. The service obviously incorporates the usual medical procedures of the physician users who keep a constant hand. It is a tool for the patient, the idea is even eventually to be able to deploy a real logic of remote surveillance to further strengthen the proximity Patient / Medical Team.

The tool is based on the platform's experience in digital health services (product design, user experience, content management, technical architecture, data security, management of legal aspects) for a new user the service is functional in very short time.

The device: It consists of two services.

One for patients, in the form of an application to install on his smartphone under iOS (iPhone) and Android.

The other for doctors and care teams allowing them to enroll the patient, configure its therapeutic interface to access its personalized program but also to have access if necessary to a remote monitoring interface.

Registration: Patient enrollment

The care team via a dedicated interface creates the patient's account based on the information available to them. The connection to the SI of the clinic could be considered in a second time.

Once the patient account has been created, the doctor can configure the processes and the therapeutic path: Therapeutic Workflow or the doctor can configure quite precisely the accompaniment he wants to give the patient. He chooses from predefined scenarios the intervention to come to configure the personalized program which the patient will benefit. He can choose a level of accompaniment, depending on the profile and age of the person (Low, normal, strong accompaniment level).

Once the patient's account is created (which takes less than 2 minutes), a personalized explanation sheet is ready to print. This card contains precise information about the device, but especially a unique QR code specifically linking the information entered by the doctor to the patient.

To make the link, it is sufficient for the doctor to give this file to the patient. It is the simplest, safest and least restrictive way for the different actors to link the information entered by the doctor, and the interface of the patient.

Also, the doctor publishes a specific form, which the patient will hand over if he wishes to his city doctor.

The doctor will have access to this interface for the duration of the care path: after the operation, he can return to this interface to configure:

The prescribed treatment to his patient, The expected support to the observance, The alerts that he wants to position on his patient. Based on the declarative responses of the patient (moral, fatigue …) or synchronized with smart health connected objects (Weight, Activity …), these alerts allow automatic monitoring of the patient, and a feedback of important information in the dedicated interface of the doctor.

Patient side

The patient is therefore given a sheet containing explanations on the device, as well as a QR Code. All he has to do is go to the app stores (Apple or Google) to download the application.

From the first screens, this application asks him to scan the QR code present on the information sheet. In doing so, an automatic link is created between the card given to the patient and the device of the patient. Any subsequent scan of the information sheet by a phone other than his own will not work. Of course, a procedure is provided to allow the patient to continue using his service in case of loss or theft of his phone. The patient also has the opportunity to secure his account with the creation of a unique code unlocking the application.

At this point, the patient application is synchronized with the account created by the doctor or the health care team.

Reflection of artbzen.com:

We are at the heart of the services provided by the well-designed digital!

As a practitioner, my daily activities, however accompanied by the recommendations of the HAS, by the services of the CPAMTS, by the work of our very active and efficient Federation of Visceral and Digestive Surgery (FCVD) which organizes my accreditation renewed annually, is not enough to guarantee the development of a perfectly coordinated care path for my patients !!

The actors of this course are so numerous, the multiple traps.

We will see in the next part of this saga that it is the features of the APP that will metamorphose into a true digital companion to help the patient as close as possible throughout his care journey ….

See you soon to find out
