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  • The University Hospital of Brest invests in the Intradys start-up for the treatment of stroke

The University Hospital of Brest invests in the Intradys start-up for the treatment of stroke


The software developed by Intradys takes into account "multiple criteria" including "age, antecedents and adequacy of devices to the pathological situation" of the patient to help the neuroradiologist make decisions during the intervention in the operating room following the stroke, says the hospital.

Intradys also relies on "images acquired before or during the procedure". "It's a decision-making system to save time based on what has been done previously," summarized Alain Saraux, rheumatologist and vice-president of research at CHU com Brest, at TICsanté. .

As part of the partnership, "the CHU gives access to health data from 500 patients who have agreed to Intradys and helps the company to anonymize the data," he detailed. "In return, the CHU will be able to use the software."

Intradys "is aware of the chance to have a CHU that accompanies it from the beginning," said its founder Gwenael Guillard, also contacted by TICsanté.

The start-up, created in April, has hired an architectural engineer and is currently looking for a medical imaging engineer, he said. She is housed at the IMT Atlantic engineering school.

Gwenael Guillard put on a first "proof of concept in eight to nine months, with the first feedback of potential users".

Intradys and the University Hospital of Brest did not wish to specify the amount of the stake. "It is purely symbolic, but shows the involvement of the hospital and strengthens the link" with the company, said Alain Saraux. "We realize that we need start-ups to prepare for the future, so if you're going to work with a young start, you need to get involved financially."
