The wearable that allows you to work with your hands

Gest is a wearable that allows you to control your computer or mobile device with your hands. It's a whole new way to interact with our devices.

Gest wearable

Gest aims to get us back to the basics of how we use our computers. We are used to old tools like keyboard and mouse, but with touch screens, and smaller products, our habits are changing. Gest allows you to work with your hands more intuitively. Thanks to it you can, for example, switch between applications by simply moving your hands. By turning your palm you can move the cursors in Photoshop.

This product is extremely versatile. You can program and customize gestures and translate them into actions. Just make a movement with your hand and indicate which action it corresponds to. Gest really understands and distinguishes the positions of the hand and fingers very precisely. Light and comfortable, it simply adapts to the shape and size of your hand thanks to its adjustable strap. This wearable is really designed to be an extension of your body.

Gest wearable
Gest wearable

The most impressive, however, remains the precision and reactivity of the product since the latency is only 40-60 ms. Inside there are 15 discrete sensors to detect what your hand is doing: how it moves, in which direction, which fingers, etc. Whether you are doing drawing, typing, modeling or even presentations, you may be interested in this new way of working. Personally, this product really makes me think of the Minority Report movie. I can imagine Tom Cruise wearing this type of equipment in front of his giant screen.

If Gest interests you, watch the short demonstration ehealth below. You can also have more information on the KicktSarter product page and pre-order it from 99 dollars.