These 5 foods would increase our longevity

Nothing really new under the sun but know that Chinese researchers have shown in a study that more plants in the diet would increase life expectancy.

After conducting the study on more than 13,000 elderly people, they conclude that legumes and fresh vegetables, garlic, nuts and tea reduce the risk of mortality, while canned vegetables and foods containing sugar increase it. To tell the truth, it would have been difficult to doubt it.

Doctors Yuan and Wang state: Diet is closely related to human health. We hope our research will provide evidence for future dietary recommendations, and we plan to assess the health and environmental benefits of adopting a healthy plant-based diet.“.

This is what is called “pushing the nail in”, failing to drive open doors. Traditional medicines have taught us this for millennia. Good news, however, is that scientists are still interested in the effects of diet on health and longevity.