This application is officially a means of contraception


The Natural Cycles application works on a simple principle. It detects the woman's natural cycles and tells her if she is fertile or not.

It already exists some applications of detection of natural cycles but the strength of Natural Cycles is thatit has an official European CE certification thanks to the company Tüv Süd, specialized in the certification of so-called "high-risk" medical devices.

The use is simple. Users must take their temperature every morning with a specific thermometer. The data is then passed to the application. Thanks to theAlgorithm developed by Natural Cycles teams, it detects according to the temperature rises of the woman, if she is in a period of fertility or not. The application then indicates with an acronym green if she can have unprotected sex or red if she has to protect herself to avoid getting pregnant

Clinical tests show the application is not foolproof, but Natural Cycles says it stays safer than some means of contraception especially sinceno way is 100% sure. These tests were conducted on several topics, taking into account errors related to misuse of conventional contraceptives and application.

The use of the application is also not recommended when the user is sick, has consumed a lot of alcohol or has slept more than usual.

The founders of the app are motivated by a desire toTo give women a way to protect themselves without undesirable side effects. They want for that to get the necessary certifications in all the countries of the world to extend the use of the application to as many people as possible.

Health applications are becoming more popular and trusted like everything related to the universe of newborns and genetic diseases. While many are still reluctant to trust his phone to manage his health, it is estimated that more than 1.7 billion smartphone and tablet users will have downloaded apps of this kind on their devices.
