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  • This smart toothbrush allows cleaning in less than 3 seconds!

This smart toothbrush allows cleaning in less than 3 seconds!


Kickstarter has many surprises. The latest revolutionary project launched on the platform is Unico. The concept: brush your teeth in less than three seconds! Bullshit or reality? Presentation of the concept.

No real innovation has been made since electric toothbrushes. This new project is designed toimprove people's lives. Indeed, brushing your teeth is a long and boring task. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth three times a day for at least two minutes. This represents nearly 200 full days during your life !

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoT_9XJb7cg [/ embed]

The device is a mouthpiece with a large number of ergonomic and flared brushes that reach all exposed surfaces of the teeth and interstices between one tooth and the next without damaging the enamel of the teeth and gums. The micro pump system dispenses the right portion of toothpaste directly onto the teeth. Thanks to its special natural formula, Unico toothpaste incorporates a whitening function, protects your teeth and gums, sterilizes your tongue and helps keep your breath fresh throughout the day.

To use it: simply insert the toothpaste into the base and then double-press the power unit to start the washing process. After three seconds, the power unit will shut down itself. Rinse your mouth and it's over!

However, we must know that each of us is unique, which is why Unico has created an application for iOS, Android and Microsoft devices. You can download it for free to adjust the wash time and the speed of rotation of the brushes as you wish. Each setting can be edited and saved for each family member. The application will also allow you to have direct access to the Unico website to purchase accessories.

Currently, we rinse our toothbrushes under water. This is a bad habit because water does not disinfect, on the contrary, it promotes the proliferation of bacteria and mold. The problem does not arise with the Unico toothbrush. Once you have used it, put it back in its base. She will automatically rid of bacteria thanks to the cleaning powers of ultraviolet light. Recharged and cleaned, it will be ready for a next cleaning of three seconds.

Nearly $ 960,000 was raised on Kickstarter. 99 € are required to preorder the product to be delivered early 2018. It should also be noted that four mouth unit formats are available. Unico toothpaste is available on their website at a modest price.
