to eat better and healthier


The fork has been around for over 1000 years. But until then, its uses have changed little. It has democratized, of course, but nothing innovative. Things have started to change in recent years with the appearance of the first smart health connected fork. Today, several different models are available with specific functions. Discover our small selection.

Hapifork, to teach you how to eat

The Hapifork by Slow Control is one of the first smart health connected forks to hit the market. It aims to “relearn you to eat”. The concept is simple, while you eat, all possible information about your “chrono-nutrition” is collected. They are then analyzed through the application. This provides you with graphics but also a coaching system. The goal is to make your bad eating habits disappear.

The Hapifork is available in blue, white and black. Side tariff, count 79 dollars and 25 additional dollars for transport costs.

Electro Fork, for those who want to say goodbye to salt

electro-fork reduces salt consumption connected fork

It’s not really a smart health connected fork but an electric fork. Rest assured, it will not electrocute you once your maximum portion is reached! This model is primarily intended for people suffering from high blood pressure or who are too “addicted” to salt. This prototype developed by the University of Tokyo allows you to do without it in the kitchen. It emits a small electric discharge in the mouth which simulates the flavor of the salt. To do this, simply hold down the button. Three different intensity levels are available. It allows you to lie to your taste buds by making them believe that you have a lot of salt in your dish even if it is not. This fork also helps to enhance the acidity and bitterness of food. Everything works quite simply, with a small rechargeable battery and an electrical circuit. The announced autonomy is 6 hours.

The ElectroFork was developed as part of a project called “Restaurant sans Sel”. This is a place offering dishes that normally have a high salt content. People with high blood pressure can safely consume them. As of yet, the date of large-scale product design is still unknown. However, the price should be between 18 and 20 euros.

10SFork, the smart health connected fork for learning to eat slowly


We always eat fast, too fast. For lack of time or out of habit. However, this conduct is risky. This especially increases the risk of obesity. Created by Slow Control, it advises you to wait 10 seconds between each bite. If you do not meet this deadline, the fork will emit a discreet vibration to remind you to order. Connectable via USB or Bluetooth, it allows you to analyze your eating habits. The time and duration of the meal, the average of your fork strokes per minute or the interval between each bite … So many statistics that allow in the long term to improve eating habits.

The 10SFork fork is available in blue, white, black and pink. Count € 49.90 per unit.

Aromafork, to give flavor to all your dishes

aromafork connected fork

What if we barely discovered the real flavors available in the kitchen? This is Aromafork’s selling point. It was designed by the Molecule-R company, which specializes in the sale of molecular cooking kits. "Your taste buds only perceive 5 primary tastes while the subtlety of the perceived flavors comes more from the nose, the latter capturing the aromas coming from the palate during exhalation. Aromafork produces a scent of aromas on inspiration, doubling the flavors that your brain can analyze ” explains the company. The fork includes a small blotter where you can put a few flavors of an aroma. These are then broadcast while we eat. Choice of possibilities such as: truffles, chocolate, coconut, bacon…

As for prices, count 50 dollars for the basic pack which includes 21 different flavors and 4 forks. For 100 dollars, you will be entitled to 42 flavors, 8 forks and 8 spoons. It will add a little less than 20 dollars for shipping costs.

Liftware the smart health connected spoon / fork for Parkinson's patients

Finally, to complete this selection, a smart health connected fork primarily intended for Parkinson's patients. Basically, it's mostly a spoon, but a fork tip is available. Anyway, everything happens directly in the handle which has a self-stabilizing function. In it, small motors detect movements. If your hand is shaking, they correct the movement to prevent food from falling. What seriously simplify your life and allow the meal to become again a moment of pleasure. According to the manufacturers, this can reduce tremors by up to 75%. Finally Liftware also connects via bluetooth to the Lift Pulse application which measures the amplitude and frequency of tremors. These can then be used to adjust the fit but also to inform the doctor.

On the price side, count 195 dollars for the smart health connected spoon. Then add an additional $ 35 for the fork tip. You can order directly on the Liftware website but delivery does not yet seem possible in Europe.

To discover the latest innovations, new objects and all the latest news from smart health connected kitchens, visit our dedicated section.
