Top 10 best things to go skiing this winter


The winter holidays are getting closer and with them the temptation to go skiing and to hit the snowy slopes of the French mountains. All the conditions are there to spend a good winter holiday in your favorite resort. The new trend is smart health connected skiing with a multitude of objects and options that cover almost all of your needs whether it's to ensure a relaxed atmosphere or improve your skiing. Winter 2017 promises to be a winter smart health connected to the end of the skis.

M-to-J of 30/01/18

The French want to go skiing, it's a certainty, Google says it! The demand for ski destinations has increased by 3% between 2015 and 2016. The figure is even more impressive for foreign tourists since their searches have increased by 10%. And since you're already smart health connected, you can continue planning your trip by finding out if your station has cameras smart health connected to its website. You'll be able to see what's happening and avoid unpleasant surprises on arrival, the snow is there and the sun is shining.

Once arrived at the station and well installed in his cottage, it is time to go for a walk and especially to go skiing. For that, here is a small selection of essentials to enhance your smart health connected skiing experience. Whether it's clothing, glasses, plotters … And of course we do not forget the security and applications to install on your smartphone. This year will be the year of smart health connected skiing.

Zag: smart health connected skis impossible to lose

With Zag technology you will never forget your skis at the bottom of the slopes, or after drinking a comforting hot chocolate at the end of the day. With its Ze Tracker, a kind of GPS tag attached to his skis, your smartphone will be able, thanks to a free application to download beforehand, to tell you where you let them drag.

More than a search tool, it's also a fabulous anti-theft device, able to track and locate your ski anywhere in the station where you were stolen. A project that was born in Chamonix and that required more than 18 months of development.

The smart health connected sole to improve the way you ski

You want to improve your way of skiing but you can not afford to take classes? So before spending all your money in the reservation, we advise you to try to put 249 € aside. This is the price of Carv smart health connected soles, which should almost be the b.a-b.a of the smart health connected ski. These soles are equipped with 48 points of contact. A sensor attached to the side of the shoe collects the data. The data is then processed and analyzed by the smartphone app that delivers real-time advice for better skiing. Because yes, the smart health connected ski, it also passes by the shoes!

The trend of wearable brought to the smart health connected ski a variety of clothes …

Hexoskin, a Canadian brand were the first to develop a t-shirt able to keep the heat even when the temperatures fall in the negative, to evacuate the sweat to avoid the cold and especially of monitoring our vital data: Hexoskin Arctic. It measures the breathing, heart rate and physical activity thanks to its 42,000 sensors. The only t-shirt is available at 199 €. We advise you to add the compatible recording tool even if its price could be scary. You can buy it for a little more than 200 €.

Thus, it is almost impossible to lose one's child and fall into hypothermia. For adults, you'll know when it's time to take a break and go get a hot chocolate to get back in shape.

In smart health connected skiing there is also the smart health connected snowboard

We can not reduce the experience of the powder to the only ski. Snowboarding is becoming increasingly important in our winter sport activities. The company Xon therefore decided to enter this market with smart health connected fixations. Bardées of sensors, they make it possible to analyze the position of the user during and after the glide. The goal is of course to help you improve, to achieve the perfect figures and maintain a perfect balance during rotations. For this, the sensors will measure your center of gravity, the pressure of each foot or the overall balance on the board through the edge grip. Count less than 500 € for this object which enjoys a range between 6 and 8h.

Ski smart health connected from head to toe

It is undeniable that our extremities (heads, hands and feet) are the parts of our body that cool the fastest. Indeed, it is often his parts that are the coldest. But that should not stop us from going skiing, answering our messages and keeping the line.

Goglove has released a range of gloves without leaving his phone and especially keeping our hands warm of answer calls, take pictures (without taking his phone out of his pocket?), listen to music and even control your GoPro, all smart health connected in bluetooth to your smartphone iOS or Android. Perfect for keeping memories or listening to your favorite songs without ending up completely frozen! If you've seen the movie Minority Report, the look of these gloves will certainly make you think of those worn by Tom Cruise when he controlled a touch screen with his fingertips. Who knows ? Maybe he had planned to put on these skis then!

But when summer comes, wearing gloves immediately becomes less common. To remedy, Goglove invented a remote control, which we will clip on our t-shirt not to interfere in our sports efforts, allowing us to control the stop, playback, volume and song change of your smartphone while doing our Sunday morning running. A perfect example of how smart health connected skiing can create new technologies for use in our daily lives!

The pair of gloves and the remote control are available at 130 dollars (110 € approximately without shipping costs), while the remote control is only 60 dollars (52 € without shipping costs).

For the head, Archos Music Beany allows you to listen to your music while skiing and keeping your head warm (acrylic and polar). Like gloves, he is paired with bluetooth to your phone so that you can change music, answer calls, etc.. only by touching the edges of your hat. Thus, we do not take the risk of taking his phone out of his pocket and make him fall into the snow and say goodbye. Available between 20 and 30 € depending on the model.

To avoid losing your toes and at the same time to monitoring his activity, get some heated and smart health connected insoles to the smartphone seems to me a more than sensible solution. Digitsole was the first brand to create insoles that will keep your feet warm and at the same time connect them to your smartphone with bluetooth. With these insoles, you can ski your feet warm for about 7 hours while monitoring your activity and calories burned. Clever is not it? And the best thing about all this is that they fit all the shoes! Available at 199 €.

For the moment side combination or ski jacket, there is nothing really smart health connected, but it's only a matter of time, since there are already heated clothes smart health connected to a remote control.

On your skis … ready … Ski!

Once on the slopes it's time to ski and again, high-tech skiers or snowboarders can not be disappointed. Trace and BED are sensors for extreme sports. Given the number of broken ski members, it can be considered an extreme sport!

Trace is a small round case that sticks on the board (surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding). BED, it takes the form of a kind of housing too, but who slips into your pocket or attaches like a wrist watch. Both are trackers. They analyze your activity, but not with a health goal, but with a sports goal. They analyze jumps, backflips and other, for stimulate the desire to do more, and get better … Track and LIT are based on a spirit of sharing his exploits with his friends and with the world, what to show off in front of his friends. But BED even pushed the vice up create challenges, competition with friends. LIT is available at 129 or 139 dollars (about 100 €). Count 175 € for Trace.

The French start-up PIQ made a sensational debut in the world of skiing, after conquering that of golf and tennis. She has partnered with the company Nightingale to propose his own sports performance sensor, a bracelet to place in the strap of his shoes. Once on the slopes, 13 axes will be taken into account that will speak to fans: gravity, angle of rotation, amplitude … Nothing is left to chance. A Bluetooth connection is included and allows the import of data into an application available on iOS and Android. Available at 199 €.

In smart health connected skiing, safety first and foremost

But to perform all its feats, it is important to protect yourself to the fullest. Runtastic and Head partnered two years ago to create a ski helmet with multiple features: the Head Sensor who even won a Award for safety. It is smart health connected in bluetooth to your smartphone via an app, it is composed of a microphone, of speakers to tell you how fast you go down the slopes. It even monitors your cardiac frequency. Available between 150 and 199 €, it is a must in the field of smart health connected skiing.

More recent, and for those who are not followers of the helmet, it is a choice, there is of course the mask Oakley. These glasses released last year come straight from the future. They display all your data on the "screen", GPS, speed, jumps, temperature, calls… A real object that one might think came out of a futuristic action movie. And of course everything is available on your smartphone. In the same genre, there is also the casquee Smith i / o Recon the look and the price quite similar to about 650 €. While both models are synonymous with Google Glass, the pioneers in terms of smart health connected glasses, they definitely have a style and content adapted to skiing. Perfect for those who want to ski while being smart health connected! Perhaps the next models will also help you get to know the skier around you.

Note that augmented reality is also taking its first steps in the field of smart health connected skiing thanks to the Israeli start-up Ride On. These glasses can help visualize slalom tracks on the track that you go down or see your skier fetish. They can also record videos, view the station map or play virtual games. In short the basics of smart health connected skiing but also more! Only downside, the headset requires access to 3G which is not yet evident on all areas at altitude.It will cost you about 1200 € to acquire.

Be careful, however, it will be prudent. It seems easy to be distracted by an application of this type and to forget the other skiers around you. Note that you can send a message or a snowball to people with the same helmet around you. But do not forget, safety first!

And for that, at some point, it will still take a break. Here again no worries, with Soulra Rugged Rukus, a portable speaker, the break is in the mountains and music (not too strong anyway, we would not want to trigger an avalanche or disturb the neighbors). This speaker is composed of solar panels for recharging anywhere, and skiing whatever you can say, it is not the sun that is missing. Soultra Rugged connects in bluetooth to any device and with its lightweight and carabiners it attaches to a bag or belt. She is fall-proof to the height of 1m and is water resistant, perfect if it falls in the snow. Available at 79 €.

To film his holidays and exploits, there are also water-resistant cameras on the market such as the Sony Action Cam (from 200 €), or the Ricoh wg-m1 (between 149 and 199 €) of much more sporty appearance.

Champion on the slopes, ace in the sky

The mountain offers beautiful landscapes, as pleasant to observe as to cross. You may already have found that the trails, see the powder, were still too close for you. In this case, why not rise above these to explore the recesses of the valleys? For that, you need a dronebut not just any It must be both reliable and easy to use. Two characteristics of the Parrot Disco FPV.

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Although it is not as versatile as a machine with 4 propellers, it has its own quality for smart health connected skiing. It is particularly aimed at dives lovers looking for a strong sensation. It is especially very accessible. No need to spend hours configuring the machine or learning how to use it. He controls himself at the controller and can reach the 80 km / h, in addition to having a 45 minutes autonomy.

If we advise you this drone especially when we talk about smart health connected skiing, it is above all for its first-person view. Many skiers or snowboarders look for a whiff of adrenaline. These will be served using the particularly immersive virtual reality of the drone. Nothing better to fly with the birds and enjoy the scenery.

Be careful though, because in many mountain areas, drone flight is forbidden without authorization. So remember to check with the town hall where you can use the device, or to request the right. Available from EUR 499.99.

Who says ski smart health connected, says smart health connected coffee

The days are sometimes long on the slopes, but they are mostly cold. So we often used to take his favorite drink with either in a thermos. Unfortunately, the taste tends to change, between the material of the container and the agitation created by our movement. Coffee lovers will be delighted to learn that the solution has been found in ski smart health connected with the Nanopreso.

With this machine, the time of the coffee with the after-taste of plastic placed at the bottom of the bag is finished. You will only have to carry hot water in your favorite thermos. With all the ingredients needed in the top of the device, just pour the liquid into the Nanopresso. After a few minutes of preparation, the coffee is ready and flows gently into the container of your choice.

Very easily transportable and easy to use, she works without electricity and only needs your manipulation. For smart health connected ski-goers who can not move without their favorite drink, it's a real grail. Available from 55 euros.

