top 5 smart health connected objects to quit smoking


In November, it's the 2e edition of the month without tobacco to help in a fun way the 16 million smokers in France to stop smoking. Each year, it is the same ritual and the same resolution that all tobacco consumers say how to definitely stop smoking. Objetconnecté.net presents you the top 5 antitobacco smart health connected objects to help you in this process.

Initiated in 2016, the Public Health Agency France and health insurance, this action aims through a communication operation, a distribution of free kits to help stopping smoking or support smokers in their attempt. Certainly, there are traditional or alternative methods to overcome his addiction. Nevertheless, in the the health, companies specialized in the internet of things come into being to help the most motivated. More and more, smart health connected objects are developing like fun, practical and personalized applications which are revolutionizing the market today smoking cessation. here is the top 5 anti-smoking innovations :

JICC: zero cigarette objective for the Tobacco Free Month with the lighter smart health connected

Produced by the French Startup JICC, the smart health connected lighter "JICC Lighter" act daily with you via a dedicated mobile application "JICC NOW" available on iOS and Android, and connectable in Bluetooth 4.0. It is easy to use and programmable according to the user in relation to its daily consumption : define the time slots, set the maximum number of cigarettes to be lit per day and define the objectives to be achieved. In addition, the application offers support in the form of personalized advice against your need for cigarettes and to share the data collected by the lighter to your doctor. Thus, to avoid the gadget side of the product, health professionals deliver their own recommendations based on recorded information. This smart health connected lighter has an autonomy of 5 days with a electrical resistance system coupled with internal clock which allows you to activate at certain times. However, be aware that it does not work gas or gasoline. It is sold on the official website of the brand for 99 €.

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Quitbit: a watch on your consumption

In the continuity of the smart health connected lighter, designed in 2013 by two students from the American University of Brown (Ata Ghofrani and Kuji Nakano), there are also Quitbit who watches over your consumption by displaying the number of cigarettes smoked per day on an LCD screen embedded. This anti-smoking lighter also connects Bluetooth to your laptop. If you wish, via the dedicated application, you can record your consumption of cigarettes and regulate it, define your goals to change your habits and the information you are offered under form of graphics. Know that it is then possible to deactivate the lighter once this limit is reached. In addition, the application allows to estimate the amount saved once the consumption is reduced. It works on rechargeable battery whose autonomy is a week. The device is available at 174 € on the Amazon site.

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Smartstop: the smart health connected anti-smoking patch perfect for quitting smoking

In 2014, $ 32 million collected by the US pharmaceutical company Chrono Therapeutics who is the origin of patch smart health connected entitled "SmartStop". This diffuse adhesive patch doses of nicotine to the consumer through the skin, whatever part of the body where it is disposed, and also, insertable into a bracelet. This smart health smart health connected object offers a personalized solution for each user, so you can vary and adjust your nicotine capacity thanks to the collected data, anticipate the sensation of lack thanks to disposable cartridges without the smoker realizing it. In addition, it is possible to send notifications to encourage the smoker's profile during weaning and share your product experience with other members of the community. The device connects to Bluetooth via your smartphone or tablet. For the moment, it should be marketable in the United States, but the price and the release date are not known.

objectconnected antitobacco smartstop patch

SmokeWatchers: socialize your antitabacco

It was necessary to think of it. Do you know that the first failure of stopping smoking is due to a lack accompaniment.  SmokeWatchers is the first social network which addresses both to smokers, vapers, wishing to take control of their Nicotine addiction and / or stop smoking. This cross-platform is capable to understand, analyze, advise and accompany the smoker in his consumption thanks a virtual coach that you will choose. To encourage you, a community of "Watchers" made of health professionals, coaches or former certified smokers Helps you to the shutdown process. Thus, the platform focuses oncommunity support, quantified self and telemedicine. Designed as a mobile app, available on iOS and Android, which is intended to be an accompanying tool for the patient. Several offers are presented on the official website of the platform is free or at a price of € 59 for the smart health connected device for automatic registration of its consumption of e-cigarette. Know that SmokeWatchers aims to welcome others smart health connected devices soon.

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Enovap: your first smart e-cigarette

Gold medal at the Lépine contest in 2014, Enovap is designated as the first smart e-cigarette which promotes the nicotine dosage by the smoker. Patented system, the Enovap is composed of two reserves, one with an e-liquid with nicotine and the other without nicotine, dosed by the individual. Like most smart health connected objects, Enovap has a mobile application, available in IOS and Android. It allows you to record your data, analyze your habits and anticipate your needs. In addition, you can integrate the community of future vapers by sharing your experiences. This French innovation is positioned in the top of the line by its design and its price with a recommended retail price between € 169 and € 199. According to the manufacturers, this price is justified by the new generation e-cigarette, the application, the program of automatic decrease and the follow-up by the tobacco specialists. And also, they created a range of e-liquids with fruity and fresh aromas on sale on the official website.

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According to a study conducted by researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center, in the USA, David Levy, lead author of the study explain the chances of successful smoking cessation increase by 10% for each additional day of use of the e-cigarette. However, Public health France specifies that the objective must remain complete cessation of tobacco because "even when you smoke very little, the health risks are important", the e-cigarette is considered as less dangerousbecause the vaper does not inhale toxic substances, which reduces risks of serious diseases.
