Tremella papaya soup— Chinese nutritious healthy recipe

Tremella papaya soup

Tremella papaya soup


20g of Tremella


20grams of lotus seeds


8red jujubes 6 water candy sugar



1.Soak the Tremella and lotus seeds in warm water for 30 minutes. Then, removethe root Tremella.

2.Peel papaya and remove the seeds, then cut into pieces.

3.Pour water in a soup pot and then put the Tremella lotus seeds.

4.Add the red jujubes and boil over high heat. Then simmer over low heat for 25minutes.

5.Add papaya and continue to simmer for 20 minutes.

6.Finally, add the candied sugar and simmer until the sugars are completelymelted candy. Serve.

Chinese food papaya for your natural health and cures:

1. Strengthen the spleen to promote digestion: papaya can dissociate fat into fatty acids. Modern medicine is that papaya contains a ferment that can digest the protein and thus promote digestion and absorption of the body. So it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and promote digestion.

2. Against parasites: the carpaïne and papain can fight against tuberculosis and parasites such as tapeworm, roundworm, whipworm, the amoeba ect.

3. Streamline the puron and anti-cancer chymosin in papaya can thin the puron the carpaïne helps fight against lymphatic leukemia. So, papaya has an effect to thin the puron and anti-cancer of the blood.

4. Complete nutrients and enhance resilience against diseases: papaya is rich in water, hydrate Carbon, protein, fat, vitamins and amino acids the body needs and can complement the body of nutrients for better withstand diseases.

5. Anti-spasm: the carpaïne helps relieve spasm of pain and has a special effect on the spasm of the gastrocnemius.

Nutritional value of Chinese food papaya

1. Papaya contains an amount of water, about 89%, and thus provides little energy.

2. Papaya provides amino acids over 17 genres, and is rich in tryptophan and lysine above. Tryptophan can compose neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and relieves pain. Lysine is closely related to glucose metabolism, promotes resistance to fatigue and improves attention.

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