Trisnake pills for removing itch and natural health

Chinese natural medicine- Trisnake pills

Trisnakepills – Pills of three snakes to eliminate pruritus

Traditional therapeuticuses

Main indications :dermatitis, eczema , urticaria.

Chinese energy , thispreparation is used to treat and clarify the Heat Humidity , Wind and dispersetoxins.

Associated symptoms:rash oozing , itchy red , with a white or yellow tongue coating, slippery andrapid pulse .


Adults: 4-5 tabletsmorning and evening .

Children: 2 tabletstwice a day.

This product should notbe used on a long term .


This product is highlyappreciated in cases of dermatitis eruptive phase : appearance of red spots ,blisters and intense itching . In traditional Chinese medicine , the dermatitisis attributed to the heat , the humidity and perverse Wind (toxins) in the layerof blood that attacked the Skin. It is inadvisable to eat spicy and bitterfoods during processing.

Unlike ointments forexternal application , this product addresses the causes of the problem.Traditional Chinese medicine successfully treats skin problems. This product iseffective during eruptive phases.

It is best to consult adoctor and a therapist in traditional Chinese medicine if your problem ischronic (over three months).

Available in Chineseherbal stores, many stores natural health products as well as distributors inacupuncture equipment and traditional Chinese medicine.You can click here tosee some trisnake pills products example.


Contraindications forchildren less than two years .

Contraindicationsduring pregnancy.

Keep out of reach ofchildren.


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