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  • Upright Go review price of the smart health connected posture corrector back pain

Upright Go review price of the smart health connected posture corrector back pain

Upright Go  Review price of the smart health connected anti back pain posture corrector, daily monitoring and train yourself for a good posture 

Upright Go posture corrector: anti back pain

After the article on smart health connected mattresses to improve your sleep, a friend  asked me if it can also improve back pain. While good sleep is restorative, it does not eliminate back pain, since the best remedy for lower back pain is physical activity. But, I went in search of smart health connected objects that can help us reduce or eliminate this back pain (which concerns half of us).

So here is Upright Go, a small smart health connected device that allows you to monitoring and alert you to correct your posture throughout the day. The product was funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign by Upright Technologies. Rare enough to be highlighted, the product is available and we are getting a lot of positive feedback from users.

Affixed to the top of the spine, it vibrates as soon as you bend. The principle is actually very simple, you must stay straight, well vertical (this is the very translation of upright in French) otherwise you vibrate (discreetly).

Design and Features

A simple and sober design, but above all a mini size which makes it easily transportable and no particular “embarrassment” (girls are for you) to wear it on you.

The Upright Go sits discreetly on your upper back and gives you permanent and immediate feedback on your posture.

In Training mode, the Go vibrates gently when you stand up poorly, to remind you to maintain a more upright posture. You can now choose from 3 training modes:

  • Stationnary (you are sitting at the desk)

  • Active (displacement)

  • Normal (mixed mode)

The vibration can be easily customized to best suit your lifestyle and personal preferences (put it to the max).

In Tracking mode, the GO keeps the history of your daily posture habits without vibrating. You can thus analyze your progress without being guided and alerted.

How to install and activate the Upright Go

  1. Download the free Upright Go app available for iOS or Android smartphone (see connectivity).Activate the bluetooth connection from your mobile. Then, sync it with your device.

  2. To activate the Upright Go, just press the single button on the posture sensor. Then place the box on your upper back between your shoulder blades (normally the gesture does not require too much flexibility). It’s ready !

  3. To get started, you will need to calibrate the app before starting a training program.


You will be able to start correcting your posture. The app is well designed and will guide you through gradual learning over a month. Initially the duration of the exercise will be 8 minutes to go up to an hour.You will adjust the sensitivity of the vibrations, but in principle the maximum is the best option so as not to miss anything.

Once training is complete, it is not necessary to remove the Upright Go. You can leave the sensor in place for tracking (Tracking mode).

Attaching the Upright Go sensor: does it stick or not?

The attachment system is quite similar to that present on the muscle stimulation electrodes. The adhesive is made in hypoallergenic hydrogel. It does not leave marks on the skin. Unfortunately, it is not possible to stick the tracker on your clothing, it must be in contact with your skin.

The pads of the Go stick well and are reusable, easy to put on and take off with each use.

Tip: for hairy men on the upper back a little waxing with a depilatory cream beforehand will avoid losing grip and also pulling your hairs when removing it 


Thanks to the’free Upright Go app available for smartphone iOS (and Apple Watch) and smartphone Android, you will be guided by tutorials, and you can track your progress and view your daily statistics.

The application is rated 4.8 / 5 by its users who find it efficient and easy to use (which is really rare). She allows to follow the state of your posture live using an animated character.

The application generates a personalized training plan tailored to your individual needs. The program includes a series of goals for daily exercises. Each goal represents the recommended time for you to train each day.

The app also records your training data in the Health app (HealthKit), to enable integration between workouts and vertical training.

In the Apple Watch application, you will be able to view the status of your current posture, switch between the 2 modes present, Training (training) or Tracking (tracking) to obtain live information.

Price and availability

For sale on Amazon at $79.99 (free delivery to your health home with Amazon Prime: free try).

It may be necessary to replace the fixing tape depending on your use .

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Upright Go review

The Upright Go does what it says, correct your posture to reduce back pain. Without subscription, with a free application which is updated regularly, it is an accessory e health which should be reimbursed by the social security!